are very sharp. ③Hedgehog:What can I do?④Hedgehog:My spines are curly (弯曲的) now. No one is scared of me ……
芯将剪好的橘黄色纸条卷起来。They make the lion’s curly (弯曲的) hair. ③ Put glue on the lion's head and paste the curly strips ……
of anotherFingers relaxed, a little curled (弯曲的) but not gripping (握紧) the bowDrawing the bowBow hand ……
of anotherFingers relaxed, a little curled (弯曲的) but not gripping (握紧) the bowDrawing the bowBow hand ……
of anotherFingers relaxed, a little curled (弯曲的) but not gripping (握紧) the bowDrawing the bowBow hand ……
All parrots have curved (弯曲的) beaks. Most parrots eat fruit, flowers, buds (芽) and nuts. People like to keep parrots as pets. Macaws (金刚鹦鹉) and Amazon parrots (亚马逊鹦鹉) are people’s favorites ……
in bothindividual(各人的) and team competition. Sleds run down long andtwisting(弯曲的) icy tracks. ……
. In this way, it looks like the spoon is bent (弯曲的).Finally, lift up the spoon to show it's not bent. ……
.---------------------------------------alleyway: 小巷crooked: 弯曲的 ……
.Then hold the spoon with both your hands. (这时要迅速地把硬币转移到右手的大拇指和食指中间。)让勺子把在手掌中慢慢滑落。但是硬币始终在你大拇指和食指间。这样就好象勺子已经变弯曲了。At last, lift up the spoon to show it is not bent (弯曲的). ……
from head to tail. Unlike other dinosaurs, its spine (脊柱) is curved (弯曲的) and has a small hump ……
高考词汇come to an end结束,终止All good things must come to an end.acquire /E5kwaIE/vt. 获得,购得,学到It took him a long time to acquire computer skills.bent /bent/adj. 弯曲的,变形的The knife was bent in the middle ……
the obvious question: Why do they have to be curly (弯曲的)? This question is popular online and has... has asked the obvious question: Why do they have to be curly (弯曲的)? This question is popular ……
... but weak if you push against its flat side.Put weight on one place, and the curving (弯曲的) shell spreads (传递) the force all around the egg.Put weight on one place, and the curving (弯曲的) shell spreads ……
student. Doctors say low desks could give students poor eyesight and a bent (弯曲的) back. Even worse ……