, the school's coach. "When you have that kind of talent andwork ethic(工作精神), it turns you into a super ……
aren’t enough; it’s a strong work ethic (工作精神) that will make those dreams possible... wants. But she understands that big dreams aren’t enough; it’s a strong work ethic (工作精神 ……
and work ethic (工作精神), it turns you into a super player."Clearly, Garnett never disappoints his coach ……
spokeswoman told Japan Today.Even though Japanese employees are known for a strong work ethic (工作精神... Japanese employees are known for a strong work ethic (工作精神) and long working hours, firms in Japan ……
就更加坚定了将演讲比赛越办越好的决心与信念。比赛奠基人,中国日报社领导对我们的殷切期许,比赛总设计师,报系总编辑精益求精的工作精神,21世纪英文报系团队的其他部门对我们的支持和鼓励,更让我们感受到温暖的力量,任重...国广大读者提供了一个面向世界进行信息交流和学术研究的窗口。如今,《21世纪英语教育周刊》已走过了四年的历程。作为为报系献上的一份微薄之礼,周刊团队将在今后的工作中用精雕细琢、激流勇进的精神 ……