剪个纸灯笼What you need:● Colored (彩色的) cards ● Tape (胶带) ● Scissors ● A pencil1. Cut off a small piece of card. It is the handle (手柄) of the lantern.2. Fold3 the card in half (对折).3. Draw a long line ……
有魔力的线头What you needA piece of string (这根线是由两股细线拧成的。)Before the show先把线对折,在对折的地方,将组成这段线的两股线分别牵出来, 做成两个假的线头。 这样一根线看起来就像两根线了。 在变魔术的过程中,你要握住图中画圈的地方,以防露馅。How to playHold the two “pieces” in your hand ……
What you needPaper plateGreen paint ScissorsGlueBlack, red and white paperWhat to do1. Paint the paper plate green.2. When it’s dry, fold it in half (对折). 用剪子在折线处中间位置剪出一个1厘米的小口子。3. Draw hands, legs ……
照片书签 个性十足
透明胶条How to make it:1 Cut the hard paper first. 剪一个15厘米长10厘米宽的长方形。2 沿窄边对折,折出一条中线。Open it.3 Put your... with a paper knife. 5 Put your photo on the box (正面朝下). 然后用透明胶条把照片粘在纸板上。6 将纸板沿压好的中线对折。用胶水把中间对折的两面粘好。7 ……
让雪花飞进家里DIY 3D Snowflake立体雪花Staying at home? No problem, let’s make 3D snowflakes!You’ll need1. scissors (剪刀)2. six pieces of colored paper 3. glue (胶水)abc1.Fold (对折) the paper like in the picture ……
(拉出) the string. Wow! It is still in one piece!TEXT AND PHOTOS BY 21ST生词大本营:(1) fold 对折 ……
做个热气球去飞行吧!What you need:● colored paper ● thread (线) ● scissors ● glue1 ● tape (胶布)How to make one:1.Cut out five hot air balloon shapes. Fold them in half (对折).2.Glue one paper to another.3.Cut ……
to make one1. Cut a piece of brown paper. Fold it in half (对折). It is the feather of the owl’s head.2 ……
an X shape. 用橡皮筋穿过桨叶。Then tape it in place. To make a sail. Cut a square from a plastic bag. 然后对折 ……
;Glue•Colored paper•Crayons•ScissorsGreeting card温馨的问候卡Fold a paper in half (将纸对折 ……
paperCrayons (蜡笔)Scissors (剪刀)Greeting card温馨的问候卡Fold a paper in half (将纸对折). Draw the shape of a lantern (灯笼 ……
and fold it in half (对折). You should leave the message on the outside. Put the box and flowers ……
) the box and fold it in half (对折). You should leave the message on the outside. Put the box ……
花形状的剪纸,首先要将一张正方形纸分别沿两个对角线对折,使之成为原先的四分之一大小,然后剪出形状,最后将纸打开。图中1-7中,哪几个形状在打开后可以分别得到A,B和C形状的雪花剪纸?(答案见本版)本期答案:1 ……
to draw the outline (轮廓) of a leaf and cut it out. (先在绿色手工纸的反面粘上双面胶,再对折后画出叶子轮廓,这样就能剪出两片叶子。将两 ……