万亿俱乐部By Jan 27, of the 31 province-level regions that had released their 2015 local gross domestic.... One-trillion-yuan GDP club 是指中国国内生产总值(GDP)总量超万亿元的省区市。 ……
trillion (万亿) cells in a person’s immune system. Together, they are as heavy as a pineapple. A 10-year...) it. They found that there are 1.8 trillion (万亿) cells in a person’s immune system. Together, they are as heavy ……
2001年中国国民生产总值居世界第六THE National Bureau of Statistics (国家统计局) announced that China's gross domestic product (GDP) (国民生产总值) grew by 7.3 percent to reach 9.85 trillion (万亿) yuan (over US$1.19 trillion ……
中国首台超级计算机问世CHINA'S first supercomputer (超级计算机) was introduced in Zhongguancun, Beijing's "Silicon Valley" (硅谷), last Thursday. The computer can make 1.027 trillion (万亿) calculations (计算) per second ……
Being in debt (债务) is not good for most people. But many people in the US seem to be getting used to it. According to the New York Fed, American debt hit a new high of $13 trillion (万亿) (87 trillion ……
络销售量预计到2020年会超过1万亿美元(6万亿人民币)。 ……
of Government Efficiency (DOGE). As the leader of DOGE, Musk plans to cut at least $1 trillion (万亿) dollars... of Government Efficiency (DOGE). As the leader of DOGE, Musk plans to cut at least $1 trillion (万亿 ……
1 trillion1 trillionThe Chinese central government said that another 1 trillion (万亿) yuan... government said that another 1 trillion (万亿) yuan in government bonds (国债) will be released (发行) this year ……
China will issue (发行) another 1 trillion (万亿) yuan in government bonds (国债) this year. In short... this year, reported Xinhua.China will issue (发行) another 1 trillion (万亿) yuan in government bonds (国债 ……
办理建议提案沟通率100%,人大建议落实往年B类台账100%,代表委员在沟通中对答复情况满意率100%。(来源:《中国教育报》) 4.2万亿4.2万亿提请十四届全国人大二次会议审查的预算报告显示,全国─般公共预算教育支出规模逐年上升。2022年超3.9万亿元、2023年超4.1万亿元、2024年超4.2万亿元。其中,多渠道增加普惠性学前教育资源,中央财政补助资金安排120亿元,学生 ……
摘自: 数字新闻[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
1trillionnext year.-----------------------------collaborate: 勾结fatalities: 伤亡trillion: 万亿 ……
-2010.GDP (Gross Domestic Production国内生产总值) up 7.5 per cent yearly, from 18.2trillion(万亿) yuan ……
of the police.4 trillion (万亿)THE Chinese government announced a 4-trillion-yuan investment to boost (推进 ……
What does our nose know?我们可以闻出多少种味道?The human nose can smell more than 1 trillion (万亿) different smells. That’s because our noses have 400 olfactory receptors (嗅觉受体). They help us smell different ……
. TUCHONGA nose can tell millions of smellsA nose can tell millions of smells一个人可以分辨1.7万亿种气味一个人可以分辨1.7万亿种气味A person can potentially (可能地) tell the difference between 1.7 trillion (万亿) smells. Seems ……