closer to freedom伊拉克"临时宪法"诞生了IRAQ's governing council (伊拉克临时管理委员会) passed an interim constitution (临时宪法 ……
遵守者、坚定捍卫者。”12月4日是第十个国家宪法日。2023年全国“宪法宣传周”活动的主题是“大力弘扬宪法精神,建设社会主义法治文化”。12月4日是第十个国家宪法日。2023年全国“宪法宣传周”活动的主题是“大力弘扬宪法精神,建设社会主义法治文化”。2022年10月16日,习近平总书记在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上的报告中指出,法治社会是构筑法治国家的基础。2022年10月16日,习近 ……
Kong government took to *uphold social stability. 在法律上,assembly指“集会”,指聚在一起做某事。宪法中“集会”常与“结社”一起出现,结社 ……
IF you want to play a game with friends, you have to clarify the rules first. In our daily lives, the constitution (宪法) gives the basic rules to keep everything in order.Dec 4 marked China’s first ……
DO you know when you will have the right to vote? Well, according to the constitution (宪法) of China, you will be able to do so at the age of 18.Dec 4 was the first National Constitution Day in China ……
’s victory against Japan during the World War II.“特赦”(special pardon) 制度是宪法规定的重要的法律制度,国家 ……
法国成为唯一将堕胎权写入宪法的国家法国成为唯一将堕胎权写入宪法的国家词数 260 建议阅读时间 4分钟词数 260 建议阅读时间 4分钟France became the world’s first country to enshrine abortion (堕胎) rights in its constitution (宪法 ……
日本突破宪法限制,二战以来首次向处于战争状态地区派出武装力量。JAPANESE troops got the green light to support the aid project... in the operation, the country is going against itspacifist constitution(和平宪法). Drawn up at the end ……
Celebrating the constitution 我国迎来首个”国家宪法日“DECEMBER 4 was the first National Constitution (宪法) Day in China. The current (目前的) constitution came into force in 1982. It’s the highest law in China ……
Xinhua News Agency.Constitution可以表示“宪法; 章程”,比如written constitution(成文宪法)。电子设备禁令electronic devices ……
宪法修正案表决通过啦!你了解多少? March 11 was a landmark day for China’s Constitution (宪法). On this day, the National People’s Congress (NPC, 全国人民代表大会) passed an amendment (修正案) to China’s Constitution in Beijing ……
记者近日获悉,2008年度全国二级、三级翻译专业资格(水平)考试上半年考试日期为5月10日至11日。据了解,凡遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律,恪守职业道德,具有一定外语水平的人员,均可报名参加相应语种、级别的考试。据悉,各省将于1月上旬陆续启动2008上半年考试的报名工作。欲报考人员可向当地教育考试部门咨询具体报名日期及开考语种。 ……
’s lawyer proved singing your order is a right protected by the Utah and US constitution (宪法). ……
.This tragedy (悲剧) has made the US think once again about gun control. The US constitution (宪法) protects ……
”, City Attorney Catherine Mish says the law is “unconstitutional (违反宪法的) in terms of being vague (含糊 ……