A: I am in big trouble. Will you help me?B: Again? It seems that you are always in a jam.-----------------in a jam : 有麻烦,处境困难。 ……
A: Joe is really in hot water now. His girlfriend just found out he's seeing another girl.B: Ohh, that's not good.in hot water: 处境困难 ……
A: Joe is really in hot water now. His girlfriend just found out he's seeing another girl.B: Ohh, that's not good.in hot water: 处境困难 ……
" No matter what age you are, or what yourcircumstances(处境) might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. "-Barbara De Angelis (American expert on relationships and best ……
都在同一条船上”,引申为“大家处境相同”。 Oliver 不停地抱怨考试太多,复习时间不够。坐在一旁的 Janice 提醒他,大家处境相同。不过, Oliver 对此可不认同:化学老师可不是他老爸! ……
pale v.相比之下不那么重要 Her difficulties pale in comparison to the plight of these children.与这些孩子的惨境相比,她的处境显得不那么困难了。tip of the iceberg冰山一角The problems that you see here now are just the tip of the iceberg ……
:dilemma进退两难的处境She is faced with a dilemma. She wants to break up with her boyfriend but she knows this will break his heart.她现在进退两难。她想和男朋友分 手,但是又怕伤了他的心。sticky situation尴尬的处境He is seeing another woman who ……
in the same boat: 处境相同HELPHELPHELPsolve v. 解决upset adj. 沮丧in the same boat: 处境相同solve v. 解决upset adj. 沮丧in the same boat: 处境相同solve v. 解决upset adj. 沮丧in the same boat: 处境相同Few teenagers go to teachers ……
外媒报道英国目前在欧洲的处境时,用了一系列比喻意义的短语:Tense discussions focus on the slim chance that Britain could be back “in the room”.Be in the room在此指“在某圈子内”。Clegg will hold a meeting with business leaders this week ……
more than happy to lend him a hand now.几年前我失业的时候,你哥哥帮我摆脱了困境,所以我现在非常乐意帮助他。A tight spot尤指“不容易摆脱的尴尬的处境... spot尤指“不容易摆脱的尴尬的处境或困境”。 6. I can’t believe he asked me how old I ……
in: 从事disorder n. 紊乱legal adj. 合法的acquire v. 获得fit in with: 配合,适应at risk: 处境危险HELPHELPHELPpeer n. 同龄人suicide n. 自杀engage in: 从事disorder n. 紊乱legal adj. 合法的acquire v. 获得fit in with: 配合,适应at risk: 处境 ……
in the same boat处境相同freedom n.自由 ……
in the *womb,” he was quoted as saying. “It felt good to get out there.”Get out there意为“远离(目前的处境 ……
husband for the sake of their marriage.On the rocks意为“处境艰难”。文章好丈夫、好爸爸形象深入人心。此番爆出婚外情丑闻,多年的好形象毁于一旦,婚姻也岌岌可危。 ……
was originally a kind of art that allows *parody. In the hot seat与“如坐针毡”类似,指“处于巨大压力中、处境艰难”。“花木兰”事件 ……