思。You can also say “bad egg (坏蛋).” ……
我怕黑,你呢?I don’t like the dark. When I go to bed, I always feel scared. Bad guys (坏蛋) and monsters from stories come to my mind. My mom and dad don’t think I’m scared. They go to bed and fall asleep ……
《坏蛋联盟》:坏人能变好吗?《坏蛋联盟》:坏人能变好吗?词数 241 建议阅读时间 4分钟词数 241  ...;This is the story of the ani mated movie The Bad Guys (《坏蛋联盟》), which was released in Chinese mainland ……
of these five animal thieves. DREAMWORKS《坏蛋联盟》:“做个好人”有多难《坏蛋联盟》:“做个好人”有多难A group...?Animated movie The Bad Guys (《坏蛋联盟》) tells a story about this. It came out in Chinese mainland theaters ……
The five thieves DREAMWORKSThe five thieves DREAMWORKS《坏蛋联盟》:我想做个好人《坏蛋联盟》:我想做个好人A group of bad guys... guys?A new animated (动画) movie, The Bad Guys (《坏蛋联盟》), asks this question. It came out in Chinese ……
超级大坏蛋变成了好人!FOR bad guy Megamind, there was just one important thing in life – beating his enemy... hero? Can he beat the monster (怪物) he created? Find the answer in Megamind (《超级大坏蛋》), the latest ……
. He quickly mastered (掌握)Korean (韩语) after playing a teacher in the film Bad Guys Always Die (《坏蛋...”称号,他先前就已掌握五种语言,又因在韩国拍摄电影《坏蛋必须死》而学会了韩语,连影片的导演都称赞他很有语言天赋。不过,这也离不开他的勤奋,他每天狂练台词千万遍,敬业精神获全剧组点赞。日前,陈柏 ……
在影片《超级大坏蛋》(Megamind)中,两个尚在襁褓中的外星孩子乘坐飞行器来到城市Metro。拥有超能力的他们在截然不同的环境中长大,被造就了各自不同的性格和人生走向。城市超人(Metro Man)在富豪家庭长大,仪表堂堂、正气凛然,成为保卫城市和平的英雄。而同样有超能力的麦克迈(Megamind)在监狱长大,似乎注定要成为破坏城市安宁的超级大坏蛋。他总是绑架美丽的女主播罗珊(Roxanne ……
在影片《超级大坏蛋》(Megamind)中,两个尚在襁褓中的外星孩子乘坐飞行器来到城市Metro。拥有超能力的他们在截然不同的环境中长大,这造就了他们不同的性格和人生走向。城市超人(Metro Man)在富豪家庭长大,仪表堂堂、正气凛然,成为保卫城市和平的英雄。而同样有超能力的麦克迈(Megamind)在监狱长大,似乎注定要成为破坏城市安宁的超级大坏蛋。他总是绑架美丽的女主播罗珊(Roxanne ……
游戏里的坏蛋也能变成英雄,拯救世界吗?课件及教案见网站THERE is a video game called Fix-It Felix Jr. Wreck-It Ralph is the bad guy. He destroys (毁坏) buildings. Fix-It Felix, the game’s hero (英雄), then fixes (修理) these buildings ……
it, the Anti-Villain League (反坏蛋联盟) takes action. They want an insider to help. And Gru is the perfect ……
Die (《坏蛋必须死》). He practiced the language every day and quickly learned. He has also learned Japanese ……
Questioning villain《神偷奶爸2》(Despicable Me 2) 讲述了《神偷奶爸1》的后续故事。自从与三个可爱的小女孩实现宿命的邂逅,曾经的大坏蛋格鲁金盆洗手,转而化身为慈祥可亲的爸爸和布丁果冻商人。在此期间,憧憬大坏蛋传奇人生的老搭档纳法利欧博士离他而去,另谋高就。某天,格鲁被身怀绝技却鲁莽的特工露西·王尔德绑架,原来露西所在的集团研制出可以改变生物基因的药物,可他 ……
Heroes stop enemy《神偷奶爸2》(Despicable Me 2) 讲述了《神偷奶爸1》的后续故事。自从与三个可爱的小女孩实现宿命的邂逅,曾经的大坏蛋格鲁金盆洗手,转而化身为慈祥可亲的爸爸和布丁果冻商人。在此期间,憧憬大坏蛋传奇人生的老搭档纳法利欧博士离他而去,另谋高就。某天,格鲁被身怀绝技却鲁莽的特工露西·王尔德绑架,原来露西所在的集团研制出可以改变生物基因的药物,可他 ……
Can a bunch of bad guys become good? DreamWorks Animation《坏蛋联盟》(The Bad Guys)讲述了由狡猾扒手“大坏狼”(Mr Wolf...的臭名昭著的全球头号通缉团伙“坏蛋联盟”,在被捕后打算通过与当局的交易欺瞒世人以免除牢狱之灾,却在计划实施过程中决定洗心革面、成为模范公民的故事。影片告诉我们,每个做错事的人都有重新开始的机会。《坏蛋联盟》(The Bad ……