that, they come toSt. Paul's Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂)."Very interesting!" says the visitor. "How long did ……
(风景) of the city; and St Paul’s Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂), which had to be built again after the Great... side, with its view (风景) of the city; and St Paul’s Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂), which had to be built ……
a conversation with the local people.St Paul’s Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂) and the Tower of LondonThe ……
庆祝女王的生日, 4月21日这天国王御林军皇家骑乘炮兵鸣放了皇家礼炮(Royal Gun Salute)。6月15日,伦敦举行了为期一天的盛大庆典,女王和丈夫菲利普爱丁堡公爵在圣保罗大教堂进行了”感恩礼拜”(the Service of Thanksgiving),接着在教堂后院徒步巡游(walkabout),并于午餐时在伦敦市长官邸发表了演说。“感恩礼拜”是基督教的传统仪式,在重大的节日或纪念日去教堂 ……