调研你校学生及其父母,结果发现双方对此问题的看法有差异(数据如图所示)。根据图表写一份报告,在报告中,你必须:1. 描述调研数据;2. 分析可能导致这一结果的原因。题目分析文体:半开放式图表议论文时态:一般现在时与一般过去时人称:第一人称小贴士:本篇作文考查学生的识图能力、总结概括能力以及分析因果关系的能力。该写作任务的结构很清晰,首先学生应认清图表中的横纵轴所代表的含义,对于图表 ……
;Passage 2Passage 2The diagram (图表) below shows the average (平均的) hours of unpaid work per week done... complete the report and finish the diagram.The diagram (图表) below shows the average (平均的) hours ……
写作题目假如你校最近就家长应该如何对待孩子的问题进行了调查,结果如下图所示。请根据图表1中提供的信息描述调查结果,并针对图表2的其中一个数据所反映的情况写出你的看法。 注意:1. 文章的开头已经给出。 2. 词数150左右。生词:图表chartRecently our school conducted a survey of students to find out how parents ……
图表类写作题一向是中考书面表达中的难点。它不象看图叙事和提示作文那样直观明了,文体多以说明文和议论文为主。考查时要求同学们根据所给的图表、数据等进行分析、研究,阅读其中的文字和说明,弄清各种信息之间的关系,提炼要点,然后组织语言进行写作,必要时还要加入作者自己的观点。和看图叙事不同的是,写图表作文时对图表和数据内容不必全部描述,只需重点引用能支持观点的一些数据。分析图表时切不可凭空想象,要善 ……
to organize it. Creating a graph (图表) can be a great way to organize and share your data.Your teacher asks... a graph (图表) can be a great way to organize and share your data.Graphs show data in a direct way ……
表达的设题类型大体可分为材料性作文、图表性作文和开放性作文三种。其总体趋势呈以下两点:(一)"开放"的程度越来越高,更加贴近生活(二)对考生语言运用能力的考察向纵深发展,更加考察思维创新能力。故此,适应"新课标"要求,"传统"的材料性作文将慢慢让位于图表性作文和开放性作文。无论形式如何变化,内容切题,语言达意,行文流畅仍是高考作文评分的三个基准点。图表性作文是借助于图画或图表进行写作的一种文体,属于说明文性质。面对图表 ……
Passage 1Passage 1The graphic shows the weather forecast for Washington, DC on Sept 26 and the following seven days. Please finish the forecast and the report. The graphic shows the weather forecast for Washington, DC on Sept 26 and the following seven days. ……
Passage 1Passage 1The chart below shows the different types of transportation people used to go to work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. The chart below shows the different types of transportation people used to go to work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. 1. ……
Passage 1Passage 1This line graph shows the amount of gold sold in Dubai in 2002, measured (估量) in dirhams (阿联酋法定货币:迪拉姆). Please complete the report by using the data shown in the graph. This line graph shows the amount of gold sold in Dubai in 2002, measured (估量) in dirhams (阿联酋法定货币:迪拉姆). ……
DO you know what are the most popular dishes ordered in restaurants in the US? Take a look at this chart (图表) and it can give you a clue (线索). Next time, order one for your American friend. ……
Asafa Powell broke his 100 meters worldrecord(记录) last week. Thechart(图表) shows that it has taken human beings 47 years to improve from 10 seconds to 9.74 seconds. Is this thelimit(极限) of man? ……
RESEARCHERS have found that the bigger your plate, the more likely you are to eat too much. Many food sellers have noticed this. According to this graphic (图表) by the Center for Disease Control (疾病 ……
好吃又营养的坚果家族。Nuts are one of the best sources of protein (蛋白质). The diagram (图表) below shows grams (克) of protein per 100 grams in different kinds of nuts. ……
) of itsinvasion(侵略) history. With lively pictures and manygraphs(图表), it tells youth in the three ……
HAVE you ever wondered what are the most popular songs in the US at the moment? Check the chart (图表) below and if you are interested, log on to www.youtube.com and listen to them.NO. 1I Kissed a Girl ……