was trying to write ananti-virus(反病毒) program that would fight viruses such as Mydoom. But in the end...破坏性极强的 "震荡波"病毒肆虐全球,而其制造者竟只有十八岁。FROM doctors in Hong Kong to bankers in Finland and coastguards ……
of Kaspersky, an antivirus (反病毒程序) company.Bonus第二段的It copied almost every kind of cyber attack...中copied意思是“复制...). Stuxnet is a computer worm (电脑蠕虫病毒) that can take over industrial systems. It was found ……
国互联网协会正式公布的“流氓软件”定义来看,流氓软件主要指那些在未明确提示用户或未经用户许可的情况下,在网友计算机上安装运行、侵害网民合法权益的软件,但不包含我国法律法规规定的计算机病毒。近日在新西兰召开的国际反病毒 ……