挑战General study1. Early opponents (反对者) of the Copernican (哥白尼) theory rejected it because ______.A. it was too complicatedB. the predictions for planetary orbits (轨道) were inaccurateC. it challenged ……
, and opponents (反对者), who regard it as cruel. ……
近日,有着美国最大的印地安原住民人口的俄克拉荷马州政府和交通委员会通过法案,将英语设为俄克拉荷马州的官方语言。该法案引起了很大争议,但最终以11比5的票数通过。该法案要求政府的官方活动使用英语,但并未阻止民众学习和使用其他语言,尽管如此,法案仍遭到美国本土组织的反对。反对者认为,这将给民众中非英语使用者带来麻烦。据了解,美国已有约30个州通过法案将英语设为官方语言。 ……
get along better.Next topic下期讨论话题在家帮父母做家务挣零花钱, 合适吗? 需要赞成者3名,反对者3名,辩词50词左右。截稿日期:12月17日 ……
叫做笔,但实际是一种模仿签名笔迹的机械装置,比笔要大型多了。Autopen的反对者称,自动签名笔签出来的是fake/faux (伪造的) signature,而真人签出来的名英文称为a real/actual ……
and status.Bill opponents (反对者) say that no species of shark is listed as endangered in the United States ……
年的白宫选战中。这些新词来自特朗普的支持者与反对者,它们的出现速度比以往任何时候都要快。 ……
someone’s wife and a mother. Opponents (反对者) thought that there should be definite (确定的) roles ……
barriers when necessary. However, opponents (反对者) argue that if English became an optional course... between countries.However, opponents (反对者) argue that if English became an optional course, the country ……
live off their sales.SolutionsRidouan'sadversaries(反对者) suggest that websites enabling visitors ……
'sopponents(反对者) for actively involving herself in politics. But in keeping with her personality, Hillary ……
details. We need to know about every score and every sore.◆ CRACK IT ◆1. surrender any bombs: 把炸弹交出来。美国很多人反对堕胎,所以在有堕胎业务的诊所,常有反对者抗议或搞破坏。这里护士的意思是"你别来搞破坏"。You must surrender your old ID card when applying ……
. wateringB. water D. to waterKey:C A进阶词汇candidate n. 候选人downturn n. 低迷时期release vt./n. 释放opponent n. 对手;反对者 ……
in the face of suffering. During the time when his opponents (反对者) tried all means to have him sent ……
本期话题:面对学生多、“名校”少的现状,英国不少公办初中开始采取摇号的方式录取小学毕业生,以保障教育资源公平分配。一些反对者认为以这种类似“掷骰子”的方式来决定学生的前途和命运是不对的。你对这种现象有什么看法?本期主持:江苏丹阳华南实验学校 八年级(11)班主持人:陈若楠通讯员Chen Na, 15:I think this is fair. The chance of getting ……