教育部公布的一项数据显示,自2000年至2004年,中国的出国留学人数合计近48万,其中自费出国留学人数占总人数的90%. 出国留学已经成为一股热潮. 为此,“留学考试“专题将为读者每月跟踪最新的留学语言考试、移民签证、奖学金申请、海外院校招生等各方面的最新讯息,并及时、全面地刊登与留学相关的各项新动态,使读者能足不出户而留学千里. ---------------------------------一直以来,英国以其高质量的教育水平吸引着大量中国学生. ……
分级引进重在循序渐进 简易读物促进深入阅读
日前,法国作家弗朗索瓦塞里萨因创作《悲惨世界》续集,《柯塞特幻想时间》,而被告侵权一案在法国做出宣判,这一为期7年的马拉松式版权官司终于以弗朗索瓦塞里萨的胜诉告终. 对经典名著的续写、改写一直是文坛争议颇多的话题,而在国内,名目多样的世界名著缩写、改编本亦不少,尤其以英语学习为目的的英文名著简写本,更是在英语读物市场拥有大量份额. 根据北京开卷信息技术有限公司提供的数据显示,今年1月至11月的英语读物销量排行榜前10名中,名著简写本就占据了7席. 文学名著的魅力在于其原汁原味的语言和字里行间蕴含的文化精髓,一经缩减,名著的内涵就打了折扣,但名著英文简写本的流行,也反映了这类读物深受青少年读者的欢迎,其中得失,发人深思. ……
You are taller in the morning. Throughout the day, the cartilage (软骨) between your bones is compressed (压缩), making you about 1 cm shorter by day’s end. ……
You are taller in the morning. Throughout the day, the cartilage (软骨) between your bones is compressed (压缩), making you about 1 cm shorter by day’s end. ……
are at night. The cartilage (软骨) between our bones gets compressed (压缩) during the day. But when we... our bones gets compressed (压缩) during the day. But when we sleep at night, the cartilage goes back ……
. Even though it’s 80 percent water, it acts like protective glass when compressed (压缩... protective glass when compressed (压缩), according to its developers from the University of Cambridge ……
and transferred to a smaller bin. It’s then compressed (压缩) so it takes up less space.The product is currently ……
and transferred to a smaller bin. It’s then compressed (压缩) so it takes up less space.The product is currently ……
comes from compressed (压缩的) air. When a meteor hits the atmosphere, it is traveling at tens ……
and later,” said Vandendorpe.The festival used 12 cooling compressors (压缩机) to cool the hall where ……
and later,” said Vandendorpe.The festival used 12 cooling compressors (压缩机) to cool the hall where ……
to stretch (伸展) and contract (压缩). The waves LIGO detected on Sept 14 came from a faraway galaxy about ……
a shredder (切碎机) and added a special chemical to stick them together. Finally they compressed (压缩 ……
at these times. The result is that the fluid flows out, our spines become compressed (被压缩) and we ……
如何制作简易火箭?. ……