匈牙利的鬼脸节Can you make faces (做鬼脸)? Are you good at it? Some people are very good at it. They are in the first Grimace Festival (鬼脸节) in Hungary (匈牙利). They make faces to make other people laugh. ……
VISUAL PEOPLEVISUAL PEOPLEHungarian (匈牙利的) Prime Minister Viktor Orban received a COVID-19 vaccine.... China is one of the few nations that can produce vaccines on a large scale (大批量). TEENSHungarian (匈牙利的 ……
theNobel Prize(诺贝尔奖). He isKertesz Imre(凯尔泰斯·伊姆雷), a famousHungarian(匈牙利的) writer ……
on their laps. But this year, the Hungary (匈牙利的) state health authority advised Father Christmas ……
组机制的国家。匈牙利主要民族为匈牙利(马扎尔)族,约占90%,共有20种现存语言,其中5种为本土语言。匈牙利的官方语言为匈牙利语,属于“乌拉尔语系”的“芬兰-乌戈...被广泛使用,且英语是匈牙利通行程度最高的外语。匈牙利主要民族为匈牙利(马扎尔)族,约占90%,共有20种现存语言,其中5种为本土语言。匈牙利的官方语言为匈牙利语,属于“乌拉 ……
need all 20 moves before the puzzle is completed. Others need between 15 and 19 moves.A Hungarian (匈牙利的 ……
all 20 moves before the puzzle is completed. Others need between 15 and 19 moves.A Hungarian (匈牙利的 ……
to see an experiment done by Hungarian (匈牙利的) scientists six years ago. Their findings showed ……
走进“双子之城”布达佩斯。IT is a city of fine cuisine (菜肴), hot springs, grand architecture and, most famously, the Danube (多瑙河), “whose gentle waves”, wrote the great Hungarian (匈牙利的) poet Attila József ……
. This may help to explain the language mystery.To compare human and dog brains, Hungarian (匈牙利的 ……
the great Hungarian (匈牙利的) poet Attila Jozsef, “embrace (拥抱) past, present, and future”. Sitting ……
静的) water made the race dangerous.The first person ever to win that race wasHungarian(匈牙利的) Alfred ……
, Hungarian (匈牙利的) professor Erno Rubik wanted to find a way to teach students geometry (几何学). So he made ……
and average one.我举两个例子。还是那位匈牙利的选手。当他被问到是否想与大家分享自己国家一位伟大的领导人时,他直接说:“No, I'm afraid...个选手在演讲或者回答问题时,能谈到本国的历史、经济、社会问题,我会对其肃然起敬,因为我看到的不仅仅是一名参赛选手,而是一个公民。比如匈牙利的选手谈苏联解体和匈牙利的发展,泰国选手谈青少年意外怀孕、成为未婚妈妈,葡萄 ……
& Hughes)创办于2006年, 该奖项的设立旨在扩大休斯与休斯爱尔兰年度小说奖的影响力。布达佩斯国际图书节中国担任主宾国日前,第15届布达佩斯国际图书节在匈牙利布达佩斯的千年公园举办,中国作为主宾国派出代表团参加。本届图书节吸引了大约600家匈牙利和外国的出版社参展。由于中国是本届图书节的主宾国,匈牙利的出版社推出了50多种中国题材的图书,既有介绍中国传统文化和风土人情的图书,也有翻译成匈牙利 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]