and enthusiasm, high spirited。 王力宏传递圣火秀高空劈腿,力秀自创动作”火炬力全开“,身手矫健引英国人啧啧称赞。 ……
是“晴天霹雳”。形容突然而至的事还可以用shock,表示“震惊”或者“震憾”;另外还有stun,也可以表示“被某事震惊”的意思。从银幕到现实,斯图尔特和帕丁森本来是一对金童玉女,但是不料“贝拉”劈腿 ……
语中表示“爱情骗子”,即经常在恋人背后出轨的人。而英文中“劈腿”的说法是two-timer or have a third person in a relationship。表“不忠”还可以说cheat ……
with Rigel last Wednesday. Two-timer意为“劈腿者,脚踩两条船的人”,是指对感情不忠的那一方。动词two-time意为“对……不忠”。“第三者”在英 ……
“不忠的,背信弃义的”,近义词有unfaithful和deceitful。英文中“劈腿”的说法有cheat on sb, have a third person in a relationship等 ……
握拳、劈腿......跆拳道学起来可不容易哦!I HAVE always been a thin child. Even if I eat a lot of food and don't play...: The teacher told me to do asplit(劈腿).I had seen dancers do splits before on TV. I knew it wasn't easy ……
a break from acting to try for a baby.Two-time即我们常说的“脚踏两条船,劈腿”,指人用情不专,如:Jack was caught two-timing ……
has been two-timing him. Two-time指“(对爱人)不忠,欺骗”,也就是“脚踏两条船”,“劈腿”。名词two-timer指“脚踏两条船的人”。另外,表示“感情 ……
动词可表示感情中的"劈腿",脚踏两条船。例如,One of my friends has just been two-timed by her boyfriend. I feel really sorry for her.(我一个朋友最近被她男友劈腿了,我真为她感到难过。)a well-rounded person表示一个人全才全能,所谓的"多面手"。另外,well-rounded也可表示多姿多彩的,例如She ……
found out that her boyfriend had cheated on her.她得知男友劈腿时勃然大怒。reignite 重新点燃His Valentine’s Day card ……
a mistress, this person is not necessarily financially dependent."劈腿"英语里叫做two-timer。Jan has just been ……