in the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland. “安乐死”指“刻意地结束某人生命,以使其摆脱身体所遭受到的痛苦(relieve pain and suffering)”,一般 ……
whatever it wants, even if people try to ignore it.Translation: 房中大象。用来形容一个明明存在的问题,却被人刻意地回避或无视的情形。 ……
) to fast-paced dance tunes."I only pick songs that I like and I will not deliberately (刻意地) copy ……
tunes."I only pick songs that I like and I will not deliberately (刻意地) copy the popular styles ……
’s questions are intentionally (刻意地) open-ended. The interviewer’s goal is to see how the thinking process ……
are intentionally (刻意地) open-ended. The interviewer’s goal is to see how the thinking process of the applicant ……
. “I didn’t want to deliberately (刻意地) design any scene,” he said. That’s why his video is more... and his classmates. “I didn’t want to deliberately (刻意地) design any scene,” he said. That’s why ……
scores climbed to 135 and above. During this time, I did not intentionally (刻意地) practice to increase... scores climbed to 135 and above. During this time, I did not intentionally (刻意地) practice to increase ……
to Noreen, our abilities to overcome strong emotions against someone and to deliberately (刻意地) forget ……
做旧的) materials, distressed fashion often uses new materials and then destroys them deliberately (刻意地...做旧的) materials, distressed fashion often uses new materials and then destroys them deliberately (刻意地 ……
英语专业课程占80学分,社会科学和自然科学课程各占30学分,“这主要是为了丰富和健全英语专业学生的知识结构,而不是刻意地培养某种实用性人才。”刘教授说道。 ……
“海外传真”栏目针对外语教学中的焦点问题,介绍国外语言教学专家和一线老师的最新研究成果和实践经验,本期关注词汇教学。词汇是外语学习的重要内容之一,也是外语教学的难点之一。Language MagazineDrawing Learners' Attention to Words摘要刻意地教或学单词在实践中往往事倍功半,那么怎样才能取得理想的词汇教学效果呢?作者 ……
Pronunciation”的报告时,也多次让听众跟他学唱歌,学说英语绕口令等,整场报告会的气氛十分热烈。国外的教师并不刻意地追求宽敞的教室和先进的教学设备,他们重视的是师生间的互动、学生 ……
父母采用性别中立教养法(Gender Neutral Parenting)来教养孩子,他们不会把小孩刻意地分成男孩或女孩来抚养,鼓励孩子尽情自我表现,性别认同的问题留待孩子长大自行决定。父母扮演辅助者的角色,让孩 ……
者一定要使用某一特殊语言结构。“交际型”教学任务则强调任务的自然性和真实性,即在用语言做事过程中不需刻意地用某一语言结构,而是自然地表达意义,以完成任务为主。“中间型”教学 ……