栏目主持:徐克容教授栏目主持:徐克容教授答:为总结和提高自己的教学与科研水平,或是出于申请高级职称的需要,已从事教学工作十年以上的资深教师,可以考虑选择进行有分量的科研项目,如写专著、论文等。在选择有分量...果完全白手起家,大多数教师还是会感到非常困难。因此,对于有志于从事较高水平科研项目的老师们,事先积累大量材料,做好科研前的调研工作是重中之重。第三,有分量的科研项目通常需要花费相当多的时间才能完成,但是 ……
Last month, Mr and Mrs Walter moved to a small town because they both retired(退休) from work and wanted to live a peaceful life. After being there for a short time, Mrs Walter complained to her neighbor. She told him about the poor service of the local convenience store (便利店). ……
Giant silverware makes the portions (分量) look smaller, so you don't feel guilty about eating so much! ……
你对食物的分量有概念吗?We often see portions (分量) in recipes (菜谱) or health tips. But do you really know how much a certain portion is? Here is a quick guide (指南) to help you understand it. ……
非常健康的分区餐盘。IT’S easy to eat healthily if you have an ETE plate. The plate has five sections (区域). Each section shows the right proportion (分量) of the food groups of a healthy meal. There is a section ……
分区餐盘让你吃得更健康。IT’S easy to eat healthily if you have an ETE plate. The plate has five sections (区域). Each section shows the right proportion (分量) of the food groups of a healthy meal ……
if only added in the right measure (分量). Who am I?Answers: 1. Four.2. C.3. Salt ……
来形容人或事物(演讲,歌词,台词等)。艾米纳姆重返歌坛势头强劲,在首届YouTube音乐大奖拿下分量最重的奖项,还在表演中尽显功力,16秒说唱101字,名副其实的“rap god”。21st ……
多激烈(boisterous),邦德最大的魅力在于他对真相的追求(look for the truth)和执着(stick to),这才是电影真正的分量和意义(weight and meaning)。 ……
Timberlake showed up too. 21STReceive 获得。美国流行歌手泰勒·斯威夫特在蝉联多项音乐大奖后,继续横扫,又在今年的MTV音乐录影带大奖包揽四项大奖,包括最有分量 ……
现存的能感受到与简·奥斯汀联系最紧密的地方。作为唯一一个向公众开放的简·奥斯汀故居,它是世界上最珍贵的纪念简·奥斯丁的场所,并拥有在国际上颇具分量的收藏品。为了...世界上最珍贵的纪念简·奥斯丁的场所,并拥有在国际上颇具分量的收藏品。为了确保在疫情期间的基本运营,博物馆计划筹集资金7.5万英镑,截止到6月24日中午,已筹到9.3万英镑。 ……
final-year dissertation (论文) or thesis can form a huge chunk (分量) of your final grade.So remember...-year dissertation (论文) or thesis can form a huge chunk (分量) of your final grade.So remember to find ……
一篇有关桂诗春教授的报道吸引了,我还记得那个颇有分量的标题——《生命的意义在于薪尽火传》,我仔细阅读了桂诗春教授的生平故事,慢慢了解了桂老与英语学习、英语教育六十多载的缘分,我也...一篇有关桂诗春教授的报道吸引了,我还记得那个颇有分量的标题——《生命的意义在于薪尽火传》,我仔细阅读了桂诗春教授的生平故事,慢慢了解了桂老与英语学习、英语教育六十多载的缘分,我也 ……
中考英语改革:是否应该减少英语分量?WANG Jiaming from Beijing Chenjinglun High School says he is a lucky boy. He’s happy that he’s sitting the senior high school entrance exam (中考) in 2014 instead of 2016.On Oct 22 ……
knowledge.---------------------------------------boost 增加(分量)echo 反应homophone 同音字scheme 计划seaweed 海带 ……