1. Nobel Prize winner Steven Chu (朱棣文)Why him: he was nominated (提名) by Barack Obama as the US energy secretary last weekIf approved, Chu would become the second Chinese-American in a US ……
secretary. He will be the second Chinese-American in a US administration.A. Steven Chu (朱棣文)B. Franklin Yang ……
for the best possible effect instead of solely a military effort.Steven Chu (朱棣文)Age: 60 Team status ……
人可以“一口咬定”一些外语成绩一般而其他科目优秀的高中生在升入大学以后就不再具备外语发展的潜能。笔者认为,学生外语潜能的发掘是一个循序渐进的过程。据笔者所知,美国新当选总统奥巴马刚刚任命的国家能源部部长朱棣文曾经并不出类拔萃。进入大学后,朱棣文通过刻苦学习,凭借越来越出众的物理成绩才渐渐崭露头角。笔者曾在美国哈佛大学与耶鲁大学学习,发现美国高校从不要求刚刚入学的新生过早地确定自己的专业。在经 ……
(李远哲)received the Nobe Chemistry Prize in 1986. Steven Chu (朱棣文) and Chee Tsui (崔琦) won the prize ……