日前,教育部国家督学郭长宇先生指出,尽管我国小学开设英语的地区日益增加,小学英语教学改革工作取得了明显的成效,但是小学英语教育依然存在学生的学习兴趣不高,教师教学效率低下等诸多问题,并指出造成这些问题的关键是小学英语教学出发点出现偏差。他是在前不久于广东省佛山市顺德区召开的“2005全国小学英语教学研讨会”上发表上述讲话的。郭长宇在讲话中提到,由于历史的原因和传统观念的束缚,各地 ……
中学生报考口译考试成为“时尚” 业内专家提醒应量力而行
等八省市同时开考,报名人数达51127人,比去年同期增长20%。考场达1434个,其中上海市1030个,其他地区404个。据了解,以往参加考试的考生多以在校大学生和社会白领为主,但今年的外语口译考场上,却出现...已经超过了在职白领。但近年来出现了高中生甚至初中生报考的现象,这部分考生大多为重点中学的外语尖子生。记者从国内开设外语口译考试培训的各大培训机构了解到,近年来报名参加该培训的学员中,中学生也为数不少。上海 ……
答:教师应分析冷场的原因,一般来说,对话难以继续主要有三个原因,一是对话话题所涉及的内容有限;二是遇到语言障碍;第三,话题本身难度过大. 遇到第一种情况时,教师可给予适当的引导,如通过提出问题,向学生提供一些与主题有关的信息,以保证对话的继续进行. ……
This is a cool little fan1. Type in (输入) words and open the fan. 看!你输入的话出现在霓虹动画上了。 ……
Have fun with these 6X6 sudokus! Fill the empty cells (空格) with numbers 1-6. Each number appears (出现) only once on each row, column and box.ANSWERS:www.ActivityVillage.co.uk ……
摘自: Sudoku[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
saucers". Soon they disappeared in the sky.HELPobserve v. 观察appear v. 出现exist v. 存在HELPHELPHELPobserve v. 观察appear v. 出现exist v. 存在observe v. 观察appear v. 出现exist v. 存在observe v. 观察appear v. 出现exist v ……
Welcome to the mini (迷你) city! Look at these buildings, streets and trees. They are all toys. 这座漂亮的“迷你城市”出现在德国首都柏林举行的一个玩具展上。Children can walk and play in it. ……
1. What occurs (出现) once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?2. What are the two strongest days of the week? Answer: 1. The letter M. 2. Saturday and Sunday, every other day ……
辛巴达和伯纳丁航行了一夜,他们都特别累了。突然,一片黑暗笼罩过来,在他们的上方出现了一只大鸟…… ……
摘自: 故事简介[21st, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
超萌垂耳兔Recently (最近), some cute dogs and cats are very popular on the internet. Now, a new animal star appears (出现). Its name is PuiPui. It is a rabbit. It is from Japan. Its cute photos win it many ……
在英语中,acronym专指按词发音的首字母缩略词。虽说这个词出现在英语中的时间是1943年,但是早在20世纪初,英语中就出现过这种例词。首现于1903年的POTUS(President...的英语词典却提前一步行动,《当代英语新词语词典》早在2002年就记载了它的具体用法。在随后的几十年中,此类首字母缩略词犹如一股涓涓细流,源源不断地向英语输入新的成员,如1941年出现的radar(radio ……
★咆哮体“咆哮体”最早出现是因为马景涛在影视作品中经常表情夸张、以咆哮姿态出现。之后,便出了文字版的“咆哮”,也就是咆哮体。 Paoxiao translates as “roaring” in English. But paoxiao ti is “online outburst (爆发)” – a sudden and violent expression of emotion ……
奇迹会出现吗?奇迹会出现吗?In a soccer game, a player hurt (使……受伤) his fingers. When he went to the doctor, he asked, “Doctor, can I play the piano after my hand gets better?&rdquo ……
"Hey, little parrot. Would you like to have a cookie?" An 8-year-old girl plays with two toy parrots. 这两只鲜艳的玩具鹦鹉出现在今年的纽约玩具展会上。They can talk and dance. And they are happy when you touch them. How ……
小贝突然出现在北京.他来做什么?TOP British football player David Beckham was in Beijing on November 24. He was there to help sell mobilephones(手机). He stayed for six hours. He now plays in the United States forLos ……