每天我们都需要做出各种决策,你是那种经常犹豫不决还是能够果断做出决定的人呢?一起来看看如何用英语聊做决定吧。每天我们都需要做出各种决策,你是那种经常犹豫不决还是能够果断做出决定的人呢?一起来看看如何用英语聊做决定... decision to make – whether to leave the player in the game or replace him.教练必须做出一个艰难的决定——是让 ……
传达备考信息。著名的木桶原理告诉我们,决定一个木桶盛水量的是最短的那块木板。同理,决定全市英语水平高低的不是几所重点中学,而是更多的农村学校。而且,2007年英语科高考改革力度之大,无论...与高考读写任务的主题“感谢父爱”有着异曲同工之妙。“细节决定成败”电子版练习的提供,是市教研室精细备考、心系全市师生的英语教与学、强化服务基层学校意识的有力举措,也是决定今年高考英语科取得显著成绩的诸多细节之一。笔者 ……
为是最好的翻译文本。 叶君健最早是从世界语的发明人柴门霍夫翻译的《安徒生童话选》了解到安徒生的,他立刻就喜欢上了安徒生的童话。叶君健在英国时就决定要把安徒生的童话翻译成中文, 他不时到丹麦访问,了解 ……
上好开学的第一节课,是今后教学成功的第一步. 我通常的做法是:一、教师要注重自己的容貌,避免学生以貌取人. ……
It is as you will There was once a wise old woman who lived in the hills. All the children used to go and ask her questions. She always gave the right answers. ……
Spending time with those you loveAfter I became a mother, I couldn’tremember the last time I had free time for myself. Even taking time to read became a thing of the past. I spent all my time taking care of the family, doing the chores (家务事) and working to earn a living. ……
You may make better decisions (决定) when you need to pee (小便). ……
A: What is our plan for tomorrow?B: I don't know. Let's play it by ear.Play it by ear: 到时候再决定。 ……
It's your callShould I spend the money or save it?It's your call. Whatever you do with your money is fine by me.It's your call:由你决定 ……
A: Could we play pingpong for a little while after school?B: I don't know if I need to stay and clean the classroom. Let's just play it by ear.play by ear: 走着瞧,临时决定 ……
A: Could we play pingpong for a little while after school?B: I don't know if I need to stay and clean the classroom. Let's just play it by ear.play by ear: 走着瞧,临时决定 ……
A: Could we play ping-pong after school?B: I don't know if I have to clean the classroom! Let's just play it by ear.play by ear: 走着瞧,临时决定 ……
“充耳不闻”英语怎么说?Shut one’s ears to 例句: He decided to shut his ears to all the rumours.他决定不去理会那些流言。 ……
the turtle punish the monkey?生词大本营 trick 诡计,花招decide 决定punish 惩罚yell 叫喊生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营trick 诡计,花招decide 决定punish 惩罚yell 叫喊trick 诡计,花招trick 诡计,花招decide 决定decide 决定punish 惩罚punish 惩罚yell 叫喊yell 叫喊 ……
核心词汇fade vi.褪色,逐渐消失Flowers soon fade when cut.up to 由.. 决定用法:up to sb to do sthIt's up to you to decide whether we go shopping or not. ……