;Purple clay boosts the reputation of Yixing city in Jiangsu province as a city of ceramics 宜兴紫砂:一座城,一把壶宜兴紫砂:一座城,一把壶词数 329 建议阅读时间 6分钟词数 329 建议阅读时间 6分钟Hurun ……
Yixing in Jiangsu is famous for its purple clayYixing in Jiangsu is famous for its purple clay宜兴紫砂壶:流传千年的工艺瑰宝宜兴紫砂壶:流传千年的工艺瑰宝Yixing in Jiangsu province is famous for its purple clay (紫砂泥). It became ……
ceramic city百年传紫砂, 一陶富宜兴百年传紫砂, 一陶富宜兴Yixing in Jiangsu is famous for its purple clay (紫砂... in Jiangsu is famous for its purple clay (紫砂泥). It became one of the top 10 artistic ceramic ……
animals. They are small figurines (小塑像), often made of purple clay (紫砂).During the Ming Dynasty... of purple clay (紫砂).During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), purple clay became popular as a material ……
are not real animals. They are small figurines (小塑像), often made of purple clay (紫砂). During... of purple clay (紫砂). During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), purple clay became popular as a material ……
their tea. The best choice is the purple clay (紫砂) wares made in Yixing, Jiangsu, and Jingdezhen ……
). The porcelain exhibition area has traditional porcelain such as Yixing purple clay pots (紫砂壶) and Jingdezhen... such as Yixing purple clay pots (紫砂壶) and Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain. These porcelains both ……
Purple clay has become a symbol of the unique ceramics found in YixingPurple clay has become a symbol of the unique ceramics found in Yixing陶中瑰宝:宜兴紫砂陶中瑰宝:宜兴紫砂词数 341 建议阅读时间 5分钟词数 341  ……
也对德国的工业技术抱有浓厚兴趣。有一天,他的住宿家庭成员带他到当地一家陶瓷工厂参观。王兆伯与德国工厂的负责人聊起了关于紫砂壶在中国的历史,工厂负责人则从技术层面向他介绍了紫砂壶的元素配比是如何让其实现耐温、抗冻等性能的。就这样,在相互交谈中,他们就像是两位画者,从历史美学和技术功能两个维度携手完成了对中国紫砂壶的勾勒。王兆伯第一次出国是高中时去德国进行访学交流。他的住宿家庭成员对中国文化非常感兴趣,他们 ……