移民“蜘蛛侠”见义勇为,获得法国公民权。Meet a real-life “Spider-Man” – Mamoudou Gassama. Gassama is an immigrant (移民... (公民权) for doing this. TEENS ……
with nonviolent (非暴力的) methods and inspired movements for civil rights (公民权利) and freedom across ……
, and civil rights issues (公民权利问题) with Black Panther and the X-Men. The Guardians have always shown...; responsibility with Spider-Man, heroic duties (英勇职责) with the Avengers, and civil rights issues (公民权 ……
据美国媒体报道,美国公民权和永久居留权申请费将从7月30日开始调高,增幅分别为原来的一倍和两倍。美国移民局官员表示,有意入籍成为美国公民的申请者所须缴付的费用将由原来的330美元调高至595美元...必须提供人们预期得到的服务,唯一达到这个目的的方法就是取得经济资源。”对于当局调高收费的举措,许多移民团体和一些民主党议员表示抗议。他们指出,这将把许多移民排除在合法取得公民权与绿卡的门槛之外。他们也质疑,调高 ……
is a privilege (基本公民权力), and of course with that privilege comes a responsibility and a choice. Who should I...作为18岁公民,我投票选出了伦敦市长!词数 287 建议阅读时间 4分钟 测试见 7版 ON Thursday May 1, London elected a new mayor – Boris ……
to have a gun. Owning one is part of US citizenship (公民权力). But in the UK, gun owners were traditionally ……
to independence with nonviolent (非暴力的) methods and inspired movements for civil rights (公民权 ……
.Citizen表示“公民”,比如senior citizen (老年人)。“授予公民权”可用give citizenship to或grant citizenship to表示。 TEENS...麦当劳改名,媒体给出了多个解释,其中一个是:麦当劳金色拱门形状的标志在西方有个著名的昵称“Golden Arches”,直译过来就是“金拱门”。Worldrobot citizen机器人公民Sophia ……
美国童子军首招女生。 When I was a kid, I was part of the Boy Scouts (童子军). It is a group that provides training and education in many areas, including physical fitness, citizenship (公民权) and personal character ……
delivered it during a civil rights (公民权利) march in Washington, DC, in 1963. King wished for a society ……
delivered it during a civil rights (公民权利) march in Washington, DC, in 1963. King wished for a society ……
speeches. He delivered it during a civil rights (公民权利) march in Washington, DC, in 1963. King wished ……
者), and it looks at civil rights (公民权利) issues with Black Panther (黑豹) and the X-Men (X战警). The Guardians have... rights (公民权利) issues with Black Panther (黑豹) and the X-Men (X战警). The Guardians have always shown ……
projects like new citizenship (公民权) rules that allow foreigners to become German citizens faster ……
那些通过考试的人才能获得永久居民身份。据悉,这项名为“英国生活”(Life in the United Kingdom)的考试由24个问题组成,内容涉及英国历史、政治系统、文化以及公民权利。那些...希望永久生活在这里的移民,必须认可应该承担的责任。为使他们在社会扮演全面的角色和更好地融入社区,他们必须能够很好地使用英文。”这项考试也有例外。除罗马尼亚和保加利亚外,欧盟成员国公民可以不受该考试措施的约束。据了 ……