杨宪益和杨苡既是中国著名的翻译家,也是一对感情深厚的兄妹。杨宪益素有“翻译整个中国”之名,他与夫人戴乃迭共同遨游于翻译的海洋,两人将众多中国古典及现当代文学作品译成英文,传至海外。妹妹杨苡翻译的《呼啸山庄》在国内更是畅销30余年,被奉为经典译本。杨宪益和杨苡既是中国著名的翻译家,也是一对感情深厚的兄妹。杨宪益素有“翻译整个中国”之名,他与 ……
兄妹节快乐!Look at the picture! Kids are celebrating(1) Rakhi (兄妹节). It is one of the four biggest festivals in India. It is a time to express(2) love between brothers and sisters.The festival falls ……
凌乱的房间小熊兄妹的卧室总是乱七八糟,妈妈经常整理,可房间一转眼又乱了。终于有一天妈妈发怒了,她把玩具都收拾到了箱子里,这下小熊兄妹意识到问题的严重性了。1. "My teddy isn't junk!" cries Sister. "My bird's nest collection1isn't junk!" says Brother.2. The shouting gets so loud ……
故事简介:早上7点,闹钟把小熊兄妹吵醒,可是他们很快又进入了梦乡。50分钟过去了,校车很快就要到了,可是还不见小熊兄妹的身影。熊妈妈生气了,赶紧上楼把他们叫起来。还有5分钟,小熊兄妹要洗脸、刷牙、梳头、吃早点。他们能赶上校车吗?快看故事吧。1. It's almost seven. All is quiet1 in the Bear family's tree house. At seveno ……
小熊一家去海边过周末。一到那儿,兄妹俩就迫不及待地想换上泳衣,不料被妈妈叫住。她吩咐兄妹俩打扫房间、搬东西、铺床、洗衣服、吃饭和抹防晒霜。小熊兄妹只能一而再再而三地等待。终于可以奔向大海了,不料又被爸爸叫住了。他要吩咐什么呢?快看故事吧。1. Papa, Mama, Brother and Sister go to the shore1 for the weekend ……
故事简介早上7点,闹钟把小熊兄妹吵醒,可是他们很快又进入了梦乡。50分钟过去了,校车很快就要到了,可是还不见小熊兄妹的身影。熊妈妈生气了,赶紧上楼把他们叫起来。还有5分钟,小熊兄妹要洗脸、刷牙、梳头、吃早点。他们能赶上校车吗?快看故事吧。 (1) It is almost seven. All isquietin the Bear family's tree house. At seven o ……
故事简介小熊一家去海边过周末。一到那儿,兄妹俩就迫不及待地想换上泳衣,不料被妈妈叫住。她吩咐兄妹俩打扫房间、搬东西、铺床、洗衣服、吃饭和抹防晒霜。小熊兄妹只能一而再再而三地等待。终于可以奔向大海了,不料又被爸爸叫住了。他要吩咐什么呢?快看故事吧。①Papa, Mama, Brother and Sister go to theshorefor weekend. There is a house ……
课件见网站AARON Miller is 12, and his brother John is 10. They are having a family dinner. Their parents, grandparents, aunt and cousins (表兄妹) are all there. Suddenly they smell smoke. The house ……
“友爱”的兄妹。词数 122 建议阅读时间 3分钟 MRS Smith had two children. Sandy was 8 years old, and his sister Kitty was 4. Sandy was usually very kind to his little sister while they played together. Mrs Smith ……
相亲相爱的“兄妹”。词数 113 建议阅读时间 4分钟 MRS Smith had two children. Sandy was 8 years old, and his sister Kitty was 4. Sandy was usually very kind to his little sister while they played together.One Saturday ……
in many families. Sibling (兄妹) comparison is common. It’s important to talk with your parents about ……
摘自: Just ask[James Whitehead, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]
故事简介:熊爸爸和熊妈妈晚上要去开会,于是打电话给爷爷奶奶,让他们照看小熊兄妹。可是爷爷奶奶也要去开会。爸爸妈妈找到了一个临时保姆。谁? Mrs Grizzle!兄妹一听,不由得哆嗦起来。他俩为何如此害怕 Mrs Grizzle?快看故事吧。1. Papa Bear takes out a notice1 from the Bear Family's mailbox2. It is about ……
故事简介:原来,小熊兄妹曾多次冒犯过 Mrs Grizzle,难怪在心里犯嘀咕呢。 Mrs Grizzle 会是一个好保姆吗?她会得到兄妹的喜爱吗?快看故事吧。1. Mrs Grizzle comes to the tree house on time. She is very big — as big as Papa. She carries a bag.2. "Good evening ……
助人为乐 (1)小熊兄妹俩有一个坏毛病:只顾自己,不考虑别人。看电视时两人抢最好的位置,吃蛋糕时争着吃最大的,连零食都要比比谁吃得更多。熊妈妈为此很着急。她想让兄妹俩学会互相帮助。熊妈妈想出了什么样的好办法呢?1. Brother and Sister are like most cubs. They want the best for themselves1. They want ……
"魔法灵猫"带领淘气的小兄妹踏上神奇的冒险之旅IF a talking cat visits you this winter, be careful, as he might destroy your house!That's what happens in "Dr Seuss' The Cat in the Hat", a great new film.In the film ……