FOR a taste of Vienna, try a Kaesekrainer – a seasoned (加佐料的) pork sausage filled with cheese. But you’d better try it quickly. Slovenia is saying the Krainer sausage should be given protected EU ……
(新鲜出炉的) hot dogs. It’s probably the variety of condiments (佐料) catering (满足) to different tastes ……
into melted cheeseseasoned(加佐料) with garlic and white wine. In a chocolate fondue, pieces of fruit ……
(佐料) she had just used for cooking fish into another dish she was cooking to avoid wasting ……
for what happens in the kitchen, from developing the menu, employing staff, and buyingingredients(佐料 ……
of strong ingredients (佐料). It was very soft and squishy (粘糊糊的). I think maybe all the oil caused ……
and soul, local gastronomical (美食的) delights offer actual feasts (享受). There are four main ingredients (佐料 ……
as a condiment (佐料). You don’t just eat them by the handful like that; they’re not fruit!” But the man ……
知时节,当春乃发生”,对这时的他而言,一场好雨不仅是文人吟哦遣怀的佐料,更给这位农夫带来实实在在的农事的喜悦。“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”,颔联...乃发生”,对这时的他而言,一场好雨不仅是文人吟哦遣怀的佐料,更给这位农夫带来实实在在的农事的喜悦。“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”,颔联是一副对仗工稳却浑然无迹的流水对,正如 ……
丰富多变、富有幽默感,是格里森姆作品的一大艺术特色。值得一提的是,他的作品非常“干净”,绝无许多美国作家特别喜爱的佐料——情色描写。他的作品之所以畅销,靠的是它的道德力量、性格鲜明的人物形象、生动 ……
抓饭,一般将饭菜包在事先准备好的生菜叶里,再蘸上佐料食用。现在,许多家庭也使用刀、叉、筷等餐具。吃完饭,客人要赞扬饭菜丰盛,味道好,感谢主人盛情款待。在柬埔寨,有很多忌讳客人须注意遵守。如他 ……
炎炎夏日,酷暑袭人,一杯泛着金黄色酒花的冰镇啤酒顷刻间即可沁人心脾。适逢世界杯热浪来袭,无数球迷的观球必备“佐料”——啤酒,也自然成为这个夏日的一道独特风景。7月15日至8月27日,2006年第十六届青岛国际啤酒节(Qingdao International Beer Festival)将与青岛欢乐嘉年华文化传播有限公司联合,共同打造一个畅饮啤酒的盛会。在啤酒节上,游客们将有幸一饱口福,品尝 ……
__12__ , man! Those are chilies! People use them as a condiment (佐料). You don’t just eat them ……