Radcliffe. Priority意思是“被(视为)优先的事物”,即thing that is (regarded as) more important than others。如:You must ……
in a subject, or have other priorities (优先的事情), it feels impossible to concentrate. If I had a perfect... (优先的事情), it feels impossible to concentrate. If I had a perfect answer to this question, I wouldn ……
well. Piano was my priority (优先的事). At that time, my world had only one thing: piano. However, my... well. Piano was my priority (优先的事). At that time, my world had only one thing: piano. However, my ……
my point of view, it is necessary to give preferential (优先的) treatment to students who are experts ……
her top priority (优先的事). She moved several times so that Mendeleev could go to a good university ……
and attractions, and priority (优先的) seating at selected shows.• Valid at Universal Studios Beijing... (通道) to participating rides and attractions, and priority (优先的) seating at selected shows.&bull ……
for the day.▲Learn time management techniques. Make a "to-do" list with prioritized (优先的) duties ……
的exchangeable 可交的,可兑交的,可替交的incentive 动机,鼓励preferential 先取的,优先的,特惠的instill 慢慢地灌输comprehensive 全面的 ……
的preferential 优先的quota 限额sacred 神的, 神圣的sortie 突围反击superior 上级tuition compensation 学费补偿unfold 开展 ……
1.定位词定位词就是能够帮助考生在原文中找到答案信息的钥匙,分为首要定位词和辅助定位词。首要定位词带有大写字母的名词,人名,地名,时间,数字,百分比,金钱符号,特殊符号,带连词符的词和专有名词等。专有名词指在一个特殊领域才会用到的单词,比如 psychology。人名通常是最优先的定位词。辅助定位词包括实意名词和动宾短语。当我们发现一个题干中没有明显的定位词时,我们 ……
getting out of hand? If you are feeling like you need to reorganize your life priorities (优先的事), Todoist ……
to reorganize your life priorities (优先的事), Todoist might be just the thing. Todoist is a productivity (工作 ……
”He won after only 52 minutes on court.priority n. 优先考虑的事情同根词:prior adj. 优先的,先前的Being a parent is her ……
priority to 优先考虑;top priority 当务之急,最优先的Education is a top priority.priority n. 优先事项,首要事情常用语块:give priority to 优先考虑;top priority 当务之急,最优先的Education is a top priority.concern n. 担心,忧虑用法:concern ……
资格证、普通话等级证、计算机二级证等硬件要求外,还须具有较强的语言沟通能力和组织表达能力、良好外在气质以及较高的综合素质。有些学校还对师范生的性别和生源做出了额外要求。舟山市白泉高级中学校长明确宣布,今年学校招聘新教师将实行本地优先和男生优先的 ……