I wandered lonely as a cloudI wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils (水仙花);Beside the lake, beneath the trees ……
I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils (水仙花);Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing ……
in sprightly dance.William Wordsworth水仙 杨德豫 译我独自漫步,像山谷上空独自漂游的一朵云霓,蓦然举目,我望见一丛金黄的水仙,缤纷茂密;在湖水之滨、树荫之下,正随风摇曳,舞姿潇洒。连绵密布,似繁星万点在银河上下闪烁明灭,这一片水仙,沿着湖岸排成延续无尽的行列;一眼便瞥见万朵千株,摇颤着花冠,轻盈飘舞。背景赏析威廉·华兹华斯(1770—1850)是英 ……
Japan. The Japanese go to see the flowers with families and friends. Daffodil 黄水仙British people like ……
include tulips and daffodils (黄水仙花). The floats are also in many different shapes. Look, this yellow one ……
of flower can you find inside the garden?A. Tulip 郁金香 B. Daffodil 黄水仙B. Daffodil 黄水仙C ……
诗歌是英国学校所有年级英文课中的必修内容,然而英国教育标准办公室(Ofsted: the Office for Standards in Education)近日警告说,去年学校的英文诗歌教学时间在减少。根据Ofsted去年的报告,只有少数学校教授了英文诗歌,其中包括华兹华斯的《水仙》(Daffodils), 柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ……
of flowers from the flower market. She got roses, narcissi (水仙花), carnations (康乃馨) and other flowers ……
-1850)tips黄水仙我独自漫游如一片浮云在溪谷山巅之上高高悠闲刹那间,我看见一丛一大丛金色的水仙湖泊旁,碧树下随风摇曳舞翩跹连绵如天上繁星在银河中璀璨闪烁恣情舒展,一望无垠沿着湖湾的边缘:只一眼,我看见千千簇万万簇微微颔首,轻快起舞身旁的流波也在轻舞怎比那花浪更为欢娱诗人的心中多么欢畅有如此快乐的伙伴我凝视着 — 凝视着 — 却未领悟这美妙场景带来的财富时常,当我 ……
the fluffy (毛茸茸的) pink flowers covering entire trees. There were also the yellow daffodils (水仙花), bright....---------------------------------------Bonus春天会有哪些花开?●daffodil 水仙花●lavender 熏衣草●tulip 郁金香●cherry blossom 樱花●lily ……
often have a picnic under the cherry blossom trees.Daffodils 自恋的水仙花In spring, daffodils (水仙花) turn ……
, the baby parrot died because it ate some narcissus (水仙) leaves. We didn’t know the leaves were... narcissus (水仙) leaves. We didn’t know the leaves were poisonous (有毒的). The parrot left us quietly ……
, the baby parrot died because it ate some narcissus (水仙) leaves. We didn’t know the leaves were... narcissus (水仙) leaves. We didn’t know the leaves were poisonous (有毒的). The parrot left us quietly ……
are usuallysnowdrops(雪花莲). They bloom as early as February. Then, in May,daffodils(水仙花) andtulips(郁金香) start coming up ……
's "Daffodils" (《水仙》), Kathleen Jamie's "The Blue Boat", Michael Bullock's "Butterfly", and William Blake ……