to the NPC and CPPCC. In the US, they are theSenate(参议院) and theHouse of Representatives(众议院). In Britain, they are theHouse of Commons(下议院) and theHouse of Lords(上议院). ……
, the law-making organizations are called the Senate (参议院) and the House of Representatives (众议院...) and the House of Representatives (众议院). Voters elect two senators from each state every two years ……
met Speaker of the House of Representatives (众议院议长) Nancy Pelosi. They talked about how to push... laws. It is made up of two houses, the Senate (参议院) and the House of Representatives. In China ……
of Representatives (众议院) election on August 30.In Japan, the party that wins the election can name the prime ……
. On September 9, Wu met Speaker of the House of Representatives (众议院议长) Nancy Pelosi. They talked... of making laws. It is made up of two houses, the Senate (参议院) and the House of Representatives ……
级至八年级的所有学生都必须参加英语阅读和数学考试,并且高中阶段必须参加一次这两科的考试。如果学生未能达到年进度标准,学校就要面临严峻的后果。据了解,美国众议院教育委员会主席、加州民主党人米勒,以及...久了,对我来说,这是对那些孩子和他们家庭的可怕危害。”众议院的修正案还将根据实现年进度标准的差距不同,对学校的评定也会有所差别。除了阅读和数学考试外,学校 ……
of Representatives election (国会众议院选举) on August 30. This ended more than 50 years of rule... (象征) of the nation.The parliament is made up of the House of Representatives (众议院) and the House ……
to gainHouse(众议院) seats in a mid-term election after Democrat Franklin Roosevelt in 1934 and Bill Clinton.... The president's Republican Party has won control of theSenate(参议院) from the rival party — theDemocrats(民主 ……
anything like it in China.The US has two houses, theHouse of Representatives(众议院) and theSenate(参议院 ……
Downing Street: 唐宁街,英国首相府所在地grant-maintained: 靠政府拨款维持的House of Representatives: 众议院 internship: 实习 ……
similar to the NPC. In the US, these are the Senate (参议院) and the House of Representatives (众议院). In Britain, these are the House of Commons (下议院) and the House of Lords (上议院).Teens点金中考词汇body / n. 团体 ……
of the House of Representatives (众议院) on August 30. This ended more than 50 years of rule....The parliament is made up of the House of Councilors (参议院) and the House of Representatives. The House ……
隔离主义者spontaneous 自发的BONUS在了解于美国众议院发言时的一些"禁用语"之后,让我们来看看英国议会中禁止使用的一些词汇。guttersnipe 该词指 a "street urchin",即"街头流浪儿",另外 ……