伊朗位于亚洲西南部,全国人口8165万,其中逾60%为波斯人,其他包括阿塞拜疆人、库尔德人和阿拉伯人等,官方语言为波斯语,居民主要信奉伊斯兰教什叶派。伊朗是拥有五千年历史的文明古国。公元前6世纪,古波斯帝国曾经盛极一时,疆域横跨亚非欧三大洲。19世纪以后,伊朗沦为英国和沙俄的半殖民地。1925年,巴列维王朝建立,推行“去伊斯兰化”,强调辉煌灿烂的波斯文明在伊朗 ……
伊朗官员近日宣布,伊朗首家24小时不间断播出节目的国际化英语新闻电视台于7月2日正式开播,以便在国际新闻报道方面与西方国家相抗衡。伊朗伊斯兰共和国声像组织负责国际事务的副主席萨拉福拉兹表示,这家名为“新闻电视台”的英语新闻台将通过卫星向全球播出,它致力于向全世界观众提供一个观看国际新闻的全新视角,以打破某些西方国家在国际新闻报道方面的垄断局面和片面倾向。“新闻电视台”目前 ……
好大的冰淇淋!IT’S getting warmer. Do you like eating ice cream? An Iranian factory (伊朗工厂) made a super huge ice cream. It weighs five tons (吨). It’s as heavy as 50,000 normal (普通的) cups of ice cream. 21st ……
Jump in ice cream世界上最大的冰激凌Do you like eating ice cream? Look at the biggest ice cream in the world. It weighs (重) 5 tons (吨). It’s enough for 50,000 people. An Iranian (伊朗) factory made it. ……
伊朗人喝茶为什么要含块糖?伊朗人喝茶为什么要含块糖?Just like Chinese people, Iranians (伊朗人) love to drink tea, too..., Iranians (伊朗人) love to drink tea, too. They drink it in the morning, after each meal and throughout the day ……
) and photographs. Nearly all visitors from certain Middle East countries including Iraq (伊拉克) and Iran (伊朗 ……
20%THE number of US people that consider China to be the US’ top enemy (敌人), reported a new Gallup poll. This is because of China’s growing economic and military (军事的) power, said Gallup. Iran (伊朗 ……
This cafe is very icy inside. ICThis cafe is very icy inside. IC如何逃离夏日炎热?伊朗有家冰咖啡馆!如何逃离夏日炎热?伊朗有家冰咖啡馆!How can you escape (逃离) the heat of summer? People in Tehran, the capital of Iran, have a good ……
到了伊朗必吃的美食:石榴鸡。In early autumn, fresh pomegranates (石榴) hit the market. People not only eat them raw (生的), but also cook them in dishes. For example, in Iran, pomegranate chicken is one of the most ……
帮助父母给宝宝换尿布的“神器”诞生啦!People usually don’t like changing babies’ diapers (尿布). Can a machine (机器) do this job? Iranian engineer (伊朗工程师) Iman Farahbakhsh has made a machine that can help. The machine ……
伊朗人喝茶为什么要含块糖?伊朗人喝茶为什么要含块糖?Just like Chinese people, Iranians (伊朗人) love to drink tea, too..., Iranians (伊朗人) love to drink tea, too. They drink it in the morning, after each meal and throughout the day ……
机器人也有“世界杯”Soccer is a popular1 game. People love it. Robots love it, too. The World Cup for humans is coming in June. Robots enjoyed their RoboCup on April 9-10 in Iran (伊朗). RoboCup is a world cup ……
武汉中学生刘力菲为伊朗画家莫森“代言”。Culture and art in Iran (伊朗) are quite far for most of us. But Liu Lifei, a 14-year-old girl from Wuhan, Hubei, has gotten closer to the country’s culture. Liu has introduced ……
achieved (达到) this was Ali Daei (阿里·代伊). He is from Iran (伊朗). He is one of the greatest players...). He is from Iran (伊朗). He is one of the greatest players in soccer history. Ronaldo is now just 10 ……
the beauty of Earth. Lake Urmia (乌鲁米耶湖) is in Iran (伊朗). It is the second largest salt... sand.Lake Urmia (乌鲁米耶湖) is in Iran (伊朗). It is the second largest salt lake on Earth. Algae  ……