本栏目上期已介绍了与古奥运会相关的文化背景与词汇,本期继续带您走进奥运,一起回顾有关奥运圣火和火炬接力的内容。---------------------------------The Olympic...特卫普(Antwerp)奥运会上,为悼念(mourn)一战中死去的人们,主办者开始点燃象征和平的火炬。自1936年起,奥运圣火开始从希腊奥林匹亚点燃,然后以火炬的形式从雅典(Athens)接力 ……
Disabled torchbearer (火炬接力手) Philip Newbury carries the Olympic Flame during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Torch Relay in Texas (德克萨斯州), US, on December 11. The 2002 Winter Games will be held from ……
奥组委). According to the organizers, the torch relay(火炬接力) will set new records in Olympic history in terms...火炬手选拔活动启动THE selection process for the torchbearers(火炬手) of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games started ……
式figure skating 花样滑冰torch relay 火炬接力athlete n. 运动员stadium n. 体育馆championship n. 冠军1 Her wings stand... says she's looking forward to thetorch relay.(178期,头版) 她说她对火炬接力充满期待。7 It's exciting ……
the torch. AFP东京奥组委举行奥运火炬接力彩排。东京奥组委举行奥运火炬接力彩排。Japan began a rehearsal (彩排) for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics torch relay (火炬传递) in the countryside of Tokyo on Feb 15. Japanese actress Satomi Ishihara performed ……
the torch. AFP东京奥组委举行奥运火炬接力彩排。东京奥组委举行奥运火炬接力彩排。Japan began a rehearsal (彩排) for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics torch relay (火炬传递) in the countryside of Tokyo on Feb 15. Japanese actress Satomi Ishihara performed ……
冬奥会圣火踏上和平之旅,中国青年形象大使将赴美参加火炬接力。LI Tong is not a famous athlete nor a celebrity. She is a 17-year-old... Tong and 24 other young Chinese prepared to go to the United States to take part in the torch relay (火炬接力 ……
你可能是不明白against这个词,它和be动词一起表示"反对"的意思。这句话整体解释就是:一个在线调查发现70%的台湾人反对(台湾当局)拒绝火炬接力(经过台湾)。EditorEditor ……
in Beijing on March 31. And then, it will go west throughAsiatoEurope.北京奥运会火炬接力传递时间为130天,总里程约13.7万公里。生词 ……
againTHE Olympic torch relay (火炬接力) restarted its journey through China again last Thursday after three ……
圣火"Pass the Flame, Unite the World": 火炬传递,连接世界relay route: 传递路线torchbearer: 火炬接力手torch relay: 火炬接力... of the Athens Olympic torch relay"则为"北京站的火炬传递"。同时,在体育运动中,"leg"常常用来指"比赛中的一段赛程"。例如,在接力比赛中,"leg"指接力 ……
. 成为东道主2. torch relay 火炬接力3. opening ceremony 开幕式4. theme n. 主题5. mascot n. 吉祥物6. medal n. 奖牌7... relay visits Sichuan earthquake zone.火炬接力到达四川地震灾区。3. Olympics opening ceremony goes off with a bang ……
式). She says that she is looking forward to thetorch relay(火炬接力). It's exciting to see athletes from ……
of the mountain, athletes andtorchbearers(火炬接力手) should make great efforts. It is in line with the Olympic...词数 370 建议阅读时间 7分钟 THE Beijing Olympic torchrelay(接力) will reach the world's highestpeak(高峰), cover ……
榴莲、贡丸、珍珠奶茶……台湾离我们越来越近。词数 307 建议阅读时间 8分钟THE Beijing 2008 Olympictorch relay route(火炬接力路线) has been announced. Every Chinese person is excited about seeing what will be the longest relay on record ……