wii love to play 包含34877个检索结果
The Wii console enables game developers to incorporate physical actions into gaming experience....Xu's trainer happened to be a video game called Wii Fit. It comes with the Wii Balance Board, an ……
": It means it's a family game.)When you play a tennis game on a Wii, you have towhip(挥动) the console...有了Wii就不用锻炼了吗?词数 160 建议阅读时间 4分钟YOU usually sit while playing video games, although more active ones ……
Wii:游戏玩家的新宠。We often play games to escape real life and become kings or queens, but can you imagine that the Queen of the United Kingdom also likes to play video games?According to the UK magazine ……
任天堂Wii游戏机成为玩家新宠。词数 238 建议阅读时间 4分钟WHICH are the most popular video games of the last decade? Go... Century undoubtedly (毫无疑问地) belongs to the Nintendo Wii.On its top 10 video games list, Wii games ……
.There is a new game called Nitendo (任天堂) Wii Fit. To play this game, you need a Wii console (控制器) and a balance board (平衡板). Many people play this game to lose weight.---------------------------------------Do ……
What do you do in PE class? Run, jump and play football? Now some kids in England (英国) play... needed to exercise. 老师们想出了一个好办法!They begin to use Wii Sports in PE class. Wii Sports is a computer game …… 2008年03月24日
IMAGINE a world where college students play Wii Fit and get course credits. Students... chairman of the health and human performance department who introduced Wii Fit as an elective PE course ……
(1) "THIS is all your fault," says my sister Claire in a voice mail. "You told me to move the Wii upstairs!" She hangs up.(2) Claire was the first person I knew to get a Nintendo Wii console game ……
Wii U Developer: NintendoRelease date: this DecemberAs mentioned, the Wii U has a wireless, tablet-shaped controller with a touch screen and traditional game controls that allow an expanded game-play ……
industry. We’re likely to see new controllers, new screens and new ways to play. At the E3 Games..., unveiled new machines: the PlayStation Vita (PSVita) and the Wii U, respectively. Both the Wii U ……
Wii 插到中国的插座里,请问这个Nitendo Wii是个什么东东?我很好奇啊,拜托一定要告诉我啊。湖南,刘杰湖南,刘杰A亲爱的刘杰:其实你认真读一下文章,从文章字里行间透露出的信息,就可以知道这是一个machine, 而且是用来play的,所以不难猜出它是个游戏机的名字。好了,谜底揭晓:Wii 是日本的Nintendo公司(任天堂) 于2006年推出的新一代电视游戏主机,因此 ……
playNintendo’s Wii was an innovator not that long ago. It made motion-sensing games popular, and about two... concept–the Wii U, which got the most *buzz at the show. It has a new wireless, *tablet-shaped ……
and physical strength to play Wii Sports games. A player can also watch online TV programmes... expensive game console ever, and Nintendo has launched its Wii in North America.Then, there's Microsoft ……
brought the industry back to life with the creation (创造) of Wii. Gaming, almost overnight... as well as many older people.The Wii is an easy-to-use inexpensive game for families. It allows players ……
我有这么多的爱好,每天的时间都不够用了!I AM a person with a lot of hobbies.I play on the computer and on my Nintendo Wii (任天堂Wii). My favorite computer games are war games, like Warhammer 40,000 (战锤40K). I build Lego ……
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