This mobile phone is only 40.1g. It is lighter than an egg. Dav Moran, an Israeli (以色列人) made it on February 11, 2008. ……
摘自: 最轻的手机[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
Aharon Shemoel, an Israeli (以色列人), grew the heaviest lemon in the world on January 8, 2003. It was about 5kg. It was as heavy as about 100 normal lemons. ……
世界上最大的柠檬!AHARON Shemoel is an Israeli (以色列人). He grew the heaviest lemon in the world on January 8, 2003. It was about 5kg. That's heavier than a baby! ……
最轻的手机HOW heavy is your cellphone? Look at the world lightest mobile phone. It is only 40.1g, lighter than an egg. Dav Moran, an Israeli (以色列人) made it in 2008. ……
international Islamic Jihad (圣战) in Afghanistan. His aim was to drive Americans and Israelis(以色列人) out of Arab ……
for the Israelis (以色列人) against Islamic (伊斯兰的) Palestinians in the Middle East. They were angry about the US army ……
Classrooms all over the world. His efforts (努力) to bring the classes to Jewish Israeli (犹太以色列人) and Palestinian Israeli (巴勒斯坦以色列人) fifth-graders in his hometown of Jaffa, Israel, are recorded in the new ……
byIsraelis(以色列人) in his car on Saturday. Rantisi became the leader of Hamas less than one month ago ……
:Parting the crowd like the Red Sea来源于《圣经》中的一个典故:当摩西带领在古埃及为奴的以色列人逃离埃及时,他们到达红海边,眼见要被埃及追兵赶上。在万分危急的关头,摩西用耶和华的手杖指向滔滔红海,使海水分开,显露出一条海底大道助以色列人逃生,当埃及追兵赶到时,海水又汇合起来,将埃及军队淹没。v释义:他和我儿子多年来一直争先恐后地去捡那些四处散落的球,就像 ……
picture reminds me of my childhood. 这张老照片我想起我的童年。3. 释义:我看到两个民族在同一个地方蹦跳。(指下文的以色列人和阿拉伯人。两个民族为争夺耶路撒冷而)不断 ……
sense 1.愿意献血的人不是喜欢扎针以寻求廉价刺激的变态。2.即便血库有时难免告急,也不会真的无血可用。3.以色列人纷纷签字同意死后捐献自己的器官,一时间捐献系统人满为患。4.捐献 ……
以色列人对规则的追求与维护让中国外交官深深折服。YOU are waiting in line. Several men come and start chatting to the person... thing you can do is accept (接受) it.Yet none of this would happen in Israel (以色列).Having lived ……
以色列人对规则和秩序的尊重让中国外交官印象深刻。YOU are waiting in line. Then, a few men come and start talking..., but there’s nothing you can do but accept (接受) it.But this would not happen in Israel (以色列). Israelis ……
worldwide accounting for an estimated 20-40 million deaths.背景西方关于人类灾难的较早记录起源于《圣经》里的《出埃及记》。根据该故事,以色列人本来只是暂时寄居埃及,但埃及法老王却把他们当作奴隶来管制。以色列人的领袖摩西就凭借神的力量将十大灾难降临到埃及。十灾主要包括:血水灾,青蛙灾,虱子灾,苍蝇灾,畜疫灾,泡疮灾,冰雹灾,蝗灾,黑暗 ……
提到了一个典故。《圣经》中《出埃及记》(Book of Exodus)有这样一段记载:当摩西(Moses)带领在古埃及为奴的以色列人逃离埃及到达红海边时,眼见要被埃及追兵赶上,在万分危急的关头,摩西用耶和华的手杖指向滔滔红海,使海水分开,显露出一条海底大道助以色列人逃生,当埃及追兵赶到时,海水又复合起来,将埃及军队淹没。 ……