开设“一带一路”专栏,助力“一带一路”学术建设。本期聚焦以色列。以色列濒临地中海和红海亚喀巴湾,地处“一带一路”关键节点。虽然以色列国土面积不大,但人均研发水平、每一万人中科学家和工程师所占人数比均位列世界第一,创新指数高居全球第二。究其原因,英语教育功不可没。以色列重视教育,英语虽非其官方语言,但是作为通用语,在教 ……
“快乐不分国界,阅读精彩人生!” 受外研社少儿出版中心邀请,《利奥叔叔历险记》作者、以色列国宝级作家亚纳兹•利维来华参加中外阅读名家进校园活动。活动自5月15日至21日共历时7天,利维先生先后走进了北京、徐州、南京三座城市共14所小学进行文化交流活动,取得热烈反响。仅徐州和南京两地,就售出《利奥叔叔历险记》系列图书两万多册。亚纳兹•利维是以色列国宝级作家,曾荣获以色列 ……
This mobile phone is only 40.1g. It is lighter than an egg. Dav Moran, an Israeli (以色列人) made it on February 11, 2008. ……
摘自: 最轻的手机[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
“En… which one shall I start with?” A happy bear looks at his ice. What are the flavors5? There are fish, apples and oranges in the ice. The bear lives in an Israeli (以色列的) zoo. ……
Aharon Shemoel, an Israeli (以色列人), grew the heaviest lemon in the world on January 8, 2003. It was about 5kg. It was as heavy as about 100 normal lemons. ……
世界上最大的柠檬!AHARON Shemoel is an Israeli (以色列人). He grew the heaviest lemon in the world on January 8, 2003. It was about 5kg. That's heavier than a baby! ……
最重的柠檬A lemon usually weighs (重) 50 grams (克). A farmer from Israel (以色列) grows a super big lemon. It weighs about 4,950 grams. ……
DO you have an animal friend? Israeli (以色列的) girl Gali Avni Magen has one. He is a tiger! The tiger is eight weeks old. His name is Sylvester. Sylvester has no mother. The tiger lives in a zoo now ……
最轻的手机HOW heavy is your cellphone? Look at the world lightest mobile phone. It is only 40.1g, lighter than an egg. Dav Moran, an Israeli (以色列人) made it in 2008. ……
炫酷发明Eggs in knights可爱的骑士蛋托These knights (骑士) are not just toys. The company Peleg Design from Israel (以色列) made them for eggs. You can put an egg in as its body and a spoon as its weapon (武器). Isn ……
THIS man is floating (漂浮) in the air and one of his hands is touching the wall. Hezi Dean, a magician (魔术师) did the trick in Tel Aviv, Israel (以色列). It is to show people the wonders (奇迹) of magic. He ……
废旧零件组装机器人小怪兽The OFFBITS is a group of robot monsters. They are made of colorful old parts (零件). A young man from Israel (以色列) came up with the idea. ……
餐巾纸华丽大变身!餐巾纸华丽大变身! This flower never dies. A designer from Israel (以色列) made a special... is here!This flower never dies. A designer from Israel (以色列) made a special napkin holder (餐巾 ……
以色列部长被刺,沙龙发出战争警告Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi was shot dead on October 17 in Jerusalem (耶路撒冷). The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线) claimed responsibility.Israeli ……
连环爆炸阻碍巴以和平进程FIVE bombings took place in Jerusalem (耶路撒冷) and Haifa in Israel (以色列) on December 1 and 2, leaving at least 25 Israelis dead and 210 others injured.The explosions have ruined the peace ……