, theHouston Rockets(休斯敦火箭队), in two weeks. He won't miss playing for China in theAsian Championships(亚锦赛 ……
. 21STUnited adj. 团结的。中国男篮在新中坚力量易建联的带领下,夺得本次亚锦赛冠军,顺利获得通往伦敦奥运会的门票。 ……
Olympics.”21STIn-form adj.竞技状态良好的。羽坛“黑马”李雪芮状态节节攀升,继全英公开赛后,再夺亚锦赛冠军,进一步稳固了她在奥运积分榜上前四的排名,距离其梦想的伦敦奥运只有一步之遥。 ……
the tide against the South Korean team. turn the tide指“扭转局势”。 19岁中锋周琦横空出世让球迷对中国男篮的未来充满信心。他帮助中国队在亚锦赛 ……
the tide against the South Korean team. turn the tide指“扭转局势”。 19岁中锋周琦横空出世让球迷对中国男篮的未来充满信心。他帮助中国队在亚锦赛 ……
. “If I had lost this time, I might not have gotten a second chance.” TEENSBreaking a record谢文骏破刘翔尘封8年的亚锦赛 ……
qualifiers for the 2004 Games in Athens.Wang stays away王治郅无缘亚锦赛CHINESE NBA player Wang Zhizhi will not return ……
摘自: sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
in the final of the 22nd Asian Men?s Basketball Championship)(男篮亚锦赛).He was named the Most Valuable Player ……
如果你是林丹,你会在亚锦赛中途退赛来保证队友获得奥运积分吗?擂 场:深圳实验学校高中部指导教师:萧莉英Yes.Lin’s deed (行为) benefits his teammate and the Chinese badminton team. Zou Wenjie: Lin Dan’s deed kills two birds with one stone. Not only does ……
如果你是林丹,你愿意在亚锦赛半决赛中退赛,以帮助队友夺冠并获得奥运积分吗?擂场:深圳实验学校 指导老师:萧莉英Yes.Lin Dan’s behavior is good for Chinese badminton. Liu Jiahao: When personal interests conflict with national interests, personal interests ……
, studies at St. Catherine’s, New South Wales, Australia. 时事大擂台:在近日结束的羽毛球亚锦赛上,林丹在半决赛中以伤病为由退赛,保证 ……