“乒乓外交”50周年“乒乓外交”50周年PAGE 4PAGE 4Half a century ago, a ping-pong game helped break the ice between China and the US. How did it make such a big difference?Half a century ago ……
THIS year is the 35th anniversary of the US and China's "ping-pong diplomacy(乒乓外交)". In 1971, a US table tennis team visited China. It was the first American visit to China after many years ……
THIS year is the 35th anniversary of the US and China's "ping-pong diplomacy" (乒乓外交).Thirty-five years ago, on April 10, a US table tennis team came to China at the Chinese team's invitation ……
.Diplomacy意为“外交”,我们所熟知的特色外交有:熊猫外交panda diplomacy,乒乓外交ping-pong diplomacy。“外交官”则为diplomat。Diplomacy意为“外交”,我们所熟知的特色外交有:熊猫外交panda diplomacy,乒乓外交ping-pong diplomacy。“外交官”则为diplomat。 ……
中美乒乓外交45周年,中国代表团再访美。 The University of Michigan in the United States welcomed a great number of visitors in September. They came to celebrate the 45th anniversary of ping-pong diplomacy (外交) between ……
“乒乓外交”五十周年。“小球转动大球”:中美“乒乓外交”五十周年。Chinese and US table tennis... both countries get along for the last 50 years. This has been called “ping-pong diplomacy (乒乓外交 ……
to mark the 50th anniversary of ping-pong diplomacy. XINHUA“乒乓外交”50年,意义依旧深远。“乒乓外交... was called “ping-pong diplomacy (乒乓外交)”. Their visit led to more exchanges (交流) between ……
.为庆祝“乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或“配对”可用 pair off...;乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或“配对”可用 pair off / partner ……
(纪念) of Ping-Pong Diplomacy.为庆祝“乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或...以说 team up with。 TEENS为庆祝“乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或 ……
“足球外交”为中日关系升温。词数 325建议阅读时间 6分钟DURING the early 1970s, a US table tennis team visited China and helped break the ice in the Sino-US relationship. Now following the example of “Pingpong diplomacy” (乒乓外交 ……
中美纪念“乒乓外交”四十周年。WHEN 15-year-old Judy Hoarfrost first set foot in China 40 years ago, the US table tennis player knew little about the country other than the fact it was socialist, full of bicycles ……
. Economic inequality is not easy to solve.Task 2:Task 2:2021年4月24日,国家副主席王岐山在纪念中美“乒乓外交(ping-pong diplomacy)”50周年活动上通过视频发表致辞。王岐山指出,“乒乓外交”是中美关系史上的一段佳话。“以小球推动大球”,开启 ……
on April 10. CHINA DAILY“乒乓外交”50年后:回望历史共叙友谊。“乒乓外交”50年后:回望历史共叙友谊。词数 405   ……
promote exchanges between China and the US. TUCHONG中美球员再挥球拍,纪念“乒乓外交”五十载。中美球员再挥球拍,纪念“乒乓外交”五十载。On April 10, 1971, after being invited by a Chinese table tennis team, a nine ……
纪念活动在美国加利福尼亚州约巴林达市的尼克松图书馆隆重举行,中国驻美大使秦刚出席纪念活动并发表主旨演讲。在该演讲中,秦刚巧借美国橄榄球、北京冬奥会和“乒乓外交”生动阐述了中美关系,获得...冬奥会和“乒乓外交”生动阐述了中美关系,获得满堂喝彩。以下片段中,秦刚分三点阐述了50年前,中美两国领导人划时代外交对当今具有重大现实意义。演讲技巧演讲技巧● 巧妙引用。演讲时,巧妙 ……