日前,第十届全国人大五次会议和第十届全国政协五次会议(下称“两会”)在北京胜利闭幕. “两会”期间,农村师资建设问题又一次成为众多代表讨论的热点. 农村英语教师作为农村教师队伍的一大分支,其质量状况令人担忧. 据了解,目前我国农村英语师资队伍的问题主要是缺口大、学历低、语言水平不高等. ……
Shooting team gets readyShooting team gets readyShooting team gets readyShooting team gets ready“00后”射击选手成奥运主力“00后”射击选手成奥运主力“00后”射击选手成奥运主力“00后”射击选手成奥运主力China’s team for the 2024 Paris Olympics ……
Today, there is a basketball game in the playground. Jacky and Tim are top players (主力队员) of their team. At the beginning of this game, Jacky's team are ten points behind. At break time (休息 ……
Wang Shuang ICWang Shuang IC女足主力王霜回归国家队训练。女足主力王霜回归国家队训练。On April 8, Steel Roses star Wang Shuang finally returned to the national women’s soccer team. She was stuck in her hometown &ndash ……
Wang Shuang ICWang Shuang IC女足主力王霜回归国家队训练。女足主力王霜回归国家队训练。On April 8, Steel Roses star Wang Shuang finally returned to the national women’s soccer team. She was stuck in her hometown &ndash ……
hard and is aleader(主力). Hescores(得分) when his team needs him. People think he plays like Michael ……
北京奥组委志愿者部与北京志愿者协会近日共同组织开展了“奥运会观众服务志愿者英语面试官招募测评”工作。来自各行各业,包括使馆工作人员、政府部门、外企工作人员、高校学生等共计131位报名者参加了测试。据悉,通过测评,北京奥组委志愿者部将从中选拔70人,作为今后开展观众服务志愿者英语水平面试工作的主力军。 ……
联在NBA闯荡了五个赛季,但大多数时间都无法作为主力上场。24岁的易建联不愿意自己的巅峰期在冷板凳上度过,所以选择回到CBA。新赛季他将为老东家广东宏远队征战。易建联的回归也让NBA暂时不见了中国球员的踪影。 ……
’s reputation意为“加强、巩固……的声誉”。马龙和刘诗雯作为中国乒乓球主力不负众望,双双获得年度最佳运动员称号,祝愿他们再接再厉、再登高峰。TEENSCement one’s reputation意为“加强、巩固……的声誉”。马龙和刘诗雯作为中国乒乓球主力 ……
Wang Shuang keeps practicing even while stuck at home. ICWang Shuang keeps practicing even while stuck at home. IC 女足主力王霜回归绿茵场。女足主力王霜回归绿茵场。Wang Shuang, nicknamed (被称为) “Lady Messi&rdquo ……
Wang Shuang keeps practicing even while stuck at home. ICWang Shuang keeps practicing even while stuck at home. IC 女足主力王霜回归绿茵场。女足主力王霜回归绿茵场。Wang Shuang, nicknamed (被称为) “Lady Messi ……
heart and pace in the final,” Yu said.Driving force在文中表示“主力军”。在近日举办的全国游泳冠军赛中,两名游泳小将杨浚瑄和余依婷分别创造了亚洲纪录和世界青年纪录。Driving force在文中表示“主力军”。在近日举办的全国游泳冠军赛中,两名游泳小将杨浚瑄和余依婷分别创造了亚洲纪录和世界青年纪录。 ……
, everything is going well for the 27-year-old. Since the summer, Zheng has become amainstay(主力 ……
for Zheng. He is now amainstay(主力) of the Charlton team. Zheng starts in nearly all the matches ……
for the 27-year-old. Since the summer, Zheng has become a mainstay (主力) of the club. He is starting ……