5月18日上午,由外研社科学出版工作室出版的新书“《科学美国人》精选系列专栏作家文集”首发式在北京科技周主场全国农业展览馆隆重举行。“《科学美国人》精选系列专栏作家文集”精选...式由北京人民广播电台主持人刘莎主持。北京市科委科技宣传与软科学处副处长李正文在致辞中表示,“《科学美国人》精选系列专栏作家文集”中的文章视角独特,蕴含着思辨的光芒,不仅可以满足普通读者的科普阅读需求、帮助 ……
现象的代名词。后来,《纽约时报》专栏作家William Safire和《旧金山纪事报》专栏作家Jon Carroll收集了许多关于mondegreen的例子,并使mondegreen一词得以普及。...是在人们听英语诗句或歌词时。英语单词mondegreen意为“将某些词误认为是另外一些词”,该词日前被收入2008版《韦氏大学词典》中。美国作家Sylvia Wright在其1954年创 ……
据路透社近日报道,尽管澳大利亚总理陆克文流利的普通话令中国人赞叹,但他夹杂着大量术语的英文却时常让本国人摸不着头脑。不少澳大利亚媒体对陆克文的英语作出评价:“他有时似乎是在自己编造一种语言。”《星期日时代报》资深专栏作家Tom Hyland说。《悉尼晨驱报》则列举了陆克文经常使用的缩略语,如EWS(early-warning system,预警系统)、RTP(right to protect ……
house.But Gail Collins, a columnist (专栏作家) with the New York Times, doubted whether the tradition ……
, a British columnist (专栏作家), once wrote in the Observer newspaper.But according to a recent survey ……
correct the unhealthy trend.— Dai Fang, a columnist (专栏作家) on Beijing Evening News— Dai Fang, acolumnist(专栏作家) on Beijing Evening News ……
, but it almost always makes things worse."以牙还牙,结果只会两败俱伤。"—— 亚比该·范布伦(美国信箱专栏作家)某人打你,所以你打他,于是你在学校很难熬。你父母大声责备你,你便 ……
have: iPods, cellphones and stuff like that. Montreal Gazette columnist (专栏作家) Josh Freed, who talks ……
Cocker, a columnist (专栏作家) with the paper, notes that many TV dramas use owls. Why?The answer, according ……
棒球为什么深受美国人的喜爱?词数 341 建议阅读时间 5分钟 教案和课件见网站 测试见7版FAMOUS US columnist (专栏作家) George F. Will once wrote: “Baseball is a habit. The slow build to the end of each game, the rhythm of the long season ……
should be seen as a brave effort to promote Chinese values around the world,” columnist (专栏作家) Zhu Ping ……
没有想到它会给人们的生活带来如此大的改变。然而十年后,人们发现生活中处处都有苹果手机的影子。值此纪念周年之际,华尔街日报科技专栏作家弗里·A·福勒给苹果手机写了封信。信中,他将手机拟人化,以第二人称“你”来称呼它,并将 ……
最后一段传递的信息。 Max Worthington is a famous columnist (专栏作家). One night, he was killed in his apartment. His agent (经纪人), Roger, was the first person to find him. He came to see Max to ask him why he ……
市privacy 隐私BONUSExpressionsagony uncle/aunt在报纸杂志上为读者排忧解难的专栏作家The agony aunt at the magazine solves teenagers’ relationship problems.这个杂志的专栏作家解答青少年的情感问题。entitle to有资格Anyone who gets straight ……
SKETCH BY SUN ZHENSKETCH BY SUN ZHEN谁能破译神秘乱码?谁能破译神秘乱码?Max Worthington is a famous columnist (专栏作家...? TEENS Max Worthington is a famous columnist (专栏作家). One night ……