Want to hang more photos in your room? Get this digital (数码) photo frame (相框). 数码相框可以从电脑下载照片,然后循环播放。 ……
指的是“音视频在网上边下载边播放,像涓涓的小溪一样,而不是文件全部下载完之后再播放”。 ……
We can now find almost everything on the internet. If we want to listen to a song or watch a movie, we just download (下载) them to our computers, tablets or phones. But some people still prefer older ……
哪个国家的网络下载速度最快?词数 110 建议阅读时间 3分钟HOW long does it take us to download (下载) a 500m (megabytes, 兆字节,计算机中的一种储存单位) movie from the Internet? In China, it usually takes half an hour. But in South Korea ……
in Beijing.Jolin won awards for Best-Selling Female Singer and Most Downloaded (下载) Female Singer.Jolin ……
人有能力去做某事download v. 从网上下载link n. 连接HELPHELPHELPongoing adj. 进行中的issue v. 颁发so-called adj. 所谓的enable sb. to do sth. 让某人有能力去做某事download v. 从网上下载link n. 连接ongoing adj. 进行中的issue v. 颁发so-called adj. 所谓的enable ……
网络非法传播推波助澜 司法维权举步维艰
近日,《新概念英语》作者路易乔治亚历山大的遗孀朱莉亚班纳亚历山大状告新东方教育科技集团及其下属的新东方迅程网络科技有限公司一案,开庭审理。因被告未经授权许可,在网上使用并提供下载以《新概念英语》为相关内容的课件,原告以侵犯著作权、发行权以及信息网络传播权等权利为由向新东方索赔100万元。近来,英语教科书遭侵权现象屡屡见诸报端。由于读者众多、发行量大、利润可观,英语教科书一直是盗版的主要对象。伴随互联网非法传播和下载 ……
countries are run by little girls…”Event organizers had accidentally downloaded (下载) the wrong “Kazakh ……
for people to download (下载). The first three include a man and woman enjoying a sauna (桑拿), a Nokia cell ……
for at least 15 days for further *inspection. Streaming“流媒体”是指用户可以一边下载一边观看的传输技术。网络直播可分为live entertainment“娱乐 ……
for and download (下载) more than 140,000 pictures, videos and audio files (音频文件) from it. Each picture ……
to five years ago, the average download (下载) speed of mobile broadband has increased by about six times ……
托福考试的研发和主办机构——美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)日前宣布向全球托福考生提供一定数量的网考真题及参考答案,供其免费下载和练习。ETS推出的这项新服务旨在帮助考生更好地准备托福网考。从现在开始,考生除了在报名注册托福网考时免费获赠一套托福网考模拟试题外,还可以随时登录托福考试全球官方网站www.ets.org/toefl,点击“考试准备”或“考试内容”栏,即可浏览托福考试介绍并下载 ……
如果今后在网上下载音乐需要收费,你愿意吗?为什么?擂 场:湖北省武汉市黄陂一中指导教师:万彰劼YES. Paying for music downloads (下载) protects the music industry. Zhang Yuxin: I couldn’t agree more. Everything has its cost. Good music is made ……
includes physical sales (实体销售), digital downloads (下载) and streaming platforms (流媒体平台). Coming out on Nov...) Chart (榜单) for 2021. The counting includes physical sales (实体销售), digital downloads (下载) and streaming ……