billionth(十亿分之一) of a gram of the material.Scientists say that it is still impossible to rebuild ……
seemed to get there too soon – 60 nanoseconds (纳秒,十亿分之一秒) before the light. That tiny amount of time ……
to a detector (探测器) 730 kilometers away in Italy. The neutrinos got there 60 nanoseconds (纳秒,十亿分之一 ……
玻璃表面被涂上一层特殊的纳米材料,使得涂层可见光透过率高、遮蔽红外线性能优良,进而达到节能的目的。纳米英文是“nanometer”,是长度的单位,数学符号为“nm”。一纳米为十亿分之一米。英文“nano”表示“极小、十亿分之一”(thousand-millionth)的意思。Nano-通常作为前缀用于元音之前,可译为“毫微”或“纳”,例如, “nanosecond”纳秒(ns)即十亿分之一秒。纳米 ……
to realize that fantasy.A nanometre is one billionth (十亿分之一) of a metre. Nanotechnology is the science ……
billionth (十亿分之一) of a meter.One microchip is smaller than a button on your shirt but it has billions... features are measured in nanometers (纳米). A nanometer is one billionth (十亿分之一) of a meter.Think ……