is well-known after taking part in a CCTV program calledLecture Room(百家讲坛) and talking about ……
by telling historical stories on CCTV's programLecture Room(《百家讲坛》). In Chongqing's Bashu High School...历史晚自习变身学生讲坛,重庆"小才子"校园受追捧。词数 338 建议阅读时间 5分钟FOR many students, history is just a boring collection ……
favorite TV program is Lecture Room (《百家讲坛》) on CCTV-10. It uses humor to tell stories about ……
你家都有哪些家规?The ClassWhat are your family rules?本期主持:福建省厦门一中初一(1)班本期主持人:刘方越Liu Fangyue, 13: Both my mom and I like watching a TV show called Lecture Room (《百家讲坛》). It talks about Chinese history ……
中学校园里的“百家讲坛”。词数 300 建议阅读时间 8分钟“IN Romance of the Three Kingdoms (《三国演义》), I think Guan Yu was actually murdered by Liu Bei or Zhuge Liang.” “In Outlaws of the Marsh (《水浒传》), Hu Sanniang is an ……
, of Beijing, made his own version of CCTV 10''s Lecture Room (百家讲坛). Han has studied and written ……
's famous "Lecture Room" (《百家讲坛》) won him record-high audiences (听众). He was the youngest lecturer ……
什么都要讲究英语,这简直是英语崇拜。比如,一个研究甲骨文的学者,他要那么好的英语干嘛?再比如,一个以绘画见长的‘专才’,非让他精通英语,是不是有点荒唐了?”——上海复旦大学教授、百家讲坛国学经典《三字经》主讲 ……
摘自: 世说新语[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
nurse”,以别于“保姆”(dry nurse),但为避免拖沓,可撇开两者间的外在差异,直接将“文化奶妈”译为“cultural nurse”。背景:最近,《百家讲坛》在普及经典文化的同时,成功 ……
“山寨”(copycatting)一词源于广东话,多指盗版、克隆、仿制等行为,其主要特点为小规模、仿造性、快速化和平民化。山寨文化是指以低廉的成本模仿主流品牌产品的外观或功能,并加以创新和改良,最终在外观、功能、价格等方面超越品牌产品的一种现象。最初山寨产品多集中于IT行业,涉及手机、游戏机等多种电子产品,目前“山寨风”已波及多个领域,山寨机、山寨明星、山寨鸟巢、山寨《红楼梦》、山寨《百家讲坛 ……
and doing some cross-talk and a parody of the popular CCTV show Lecture Room (《百家讲坛》).Hilarious 既可 ……
" (不差钱) of Xiao Shenyang, and the comment "Luckily I watched Lecture Room (《百家讲坛》) after I watched ……
工程师、企业家带来人工智能通识教育大讲堂, 打造人工智能的“百家讲坛”,用最通俗易懂的语言讲解深奥的技术知识,让广大学习者爱上学习AI 知识。吴岩表示,平台汇集了清华大学、北京...;百家讲坛”,用最通俗易懂的语言讲解深奥的技术知识,让广大学习者爱上学习AI 知识。吴岩表示,平台汇集了清华大学、北京大学、浙江大学等64 所名校的85 门“金课&rdquo ……