仅有8年历史的西南联大成为中国教育史上的一座丰碑,堪称世界教育史上的奇迹。在那种战火纷飞的条件下,她在不同的学科中培养了大批未来的国家栋梁之才,可谓群星灿烂,蔚为奇观。然而,当今...的学术氛围、知识渊博且教学有方的教授们共同创造了西南联大的外语教育奇迹。其中的一个奇迹是,西南联大外文系培养出了很多诗人,而且他们是联大诗人群中十分重要的一部分。西南联大的文学院包括中国文学、外国 ……
请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的词。请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的词。“I will risk my life for you. ”The 1 on the book cover of The Quality of Silence attracted me in the library. It was a touching confession (表白) of love. ……
摘自: 亲情创造奇迹[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]
2009年和2011年对于外研社基础教育出版分社(以下简称“基础分社”)来说都是具有里程碑意义的年份:2009年3月18日,基础分社迎来了建社十周年的重要历史时刻;今年,分社的出版巨作——《英语》(新标准)系列教材也喜迎十年庆典. 也许,在这两个年份之间的2010年也应被标注:基础分社的销售码洋直逼6.2亿元,开创了历史新高!经过十年的锻造和发展,基础分社已成为集选题策划、市场营销、教育培训和信息服务为一体的综合型出版机构. 凭借掌舵人申蔷敏锐的洞察力和极具前瞻性的部署以及分社百人大军执着的奋进精神,基础分社已成为国内英语教育出版界一股激流勇进、勇立潮头的先锋力量和该行业与时俱进、开拓创新的主要推动者!三大体系. ……
近日,哈珀柯林斯出版集(Harper. Collins)全球裁兼首席行官弗里德曼宣布. ……
IQIYIIQIYI敦煌奇迹:多元文化的交融。敦煌奇迹:多元文化的交融。The artwork of Dunhuang sheds light on cultural exchanges dating back centuries.The artwork of Dunhuang sheds light on cultural exchanges dating back centuries ……
大兴机场成为新世界奇迹Beijing’s new airport is regarded as a modern world wonder. PAGE 2 ……
Tom: Mom, I have some good news.Mother: You got a high mark (分数) on a test?Tom: I want to tell you some good news, not miracles (奇迹). ……
奇迹会出现吗?奇迹会出现吗?In a soccer game, a player hurt (使……受伤) his fingers. When...;The doctor answered, “That’s for sure.”“It will be a miracle (奇迹), Doctor ……
迪拜有座“奇迹花园”迪拜有座“奇迹花园” Dubai is a magical city in the desert. In this city, people built a miracle (奇迹的) garden. It’s the world’s largest natural flower ……
VCGVCGVCG西南联大: 一所充满奇迹的大学。西南联大: 一所充满奇迹的大学。The legacy of Xinan Lianda lives on through the stories of former students in One Day When We Were Young.The legacy of Xinan Lianda lives on through ……
VCGVCG中国“朱鹮传”,40年见证奇迹中国“朱鹮传”,40年见证奇迹With its non-stop efforts to save wild crested ibises from extinction in the past 40 years, China has set an example for protecting ……
(世界新七大奇迹). ……
EXO献上十二月的《奇迹》。HERE comes a special winter greeting from EXO! The South Korean pop group is releasing (发布) their winter album Miracles on Dec 9. It has five songs. And all of them have both Chinese ……
THIS man is floating (漂浮) in the air and one of his hands is touching the wall. Hezi Dean, a magician (魔术师) did the trick in Tel Aviv, Israel (以色列). It is to show people the wonders (奇迹) of magic. He ……
地震给聋人老爷爷带来奇迹。ROBERT Valderzak is a 75-year-old man in Virginia, US. He lost his hearing when he...-magnitude (震级) earthquake hit Washington DC, a miracle (奇迹) happened. Valderzak got his hearing back ……