go public 包含45922个检索结果
filming the TV drama Wishful (《如?意》) which will very soon hit the small screen.Go public意为“公开宣布”,Go...go publicYang Mi, 25, ChinaIt’s finally confirmed. Rumors that have been circulating for months ……
民工子弟明年上学有去处 BEIJING plans to build five to 10 schools in 2005 formigrant(外来的) kids. In Beijing, there are now 235,000 children from migrant families. About 10 per cent of them cannot go to public ……
June because of “*incompatible personalities”, according to Liu.Go public意为“公开宣布”,Go public with one... public with his new relationship on Sina Weibo. He shared a picture of two hands bound together by a red ……
plan to go public. (第467期,P2)句中reveal的意思是“展示,揭示”。词组go public的意思是“上市,向公众出售股份”。1) I believed... into the first job 3. 1) she would not reveal the secret2) are trying to go public ……
(受过教育的) and that the learning environment was better. But my mother hoped I would go to a public...感谢父亲的英明决定。WHEN I was choosing which school to go to three years ago, my parents had different ideas ……
disputed version of events and decision to go public angered his former colleagues. Hero指“英雄”,而zero指“零 ……
Should they go to public schools?THE Ministry of Education says, students won't be allowed to go to public schools next year if they want to repeat their last year of high school. Do you think ……
表白日”公开恋情,两人的幸福溢于言表。文中go public with one’s relationship即“公开恋情”的意思。... public with their relationship on “I Love You” Day, the name given to May 20 in China. Huo’s studio ……
活取熊胆引争议:归真堂该不该上市?词数 365 建议阅读时间 6分钟HOW could an enterprise that cruelly hurts animals go public (上市... revealed its plan to go public. The company keeps captive (被捕获的) bears and makes medicine from ……
secret go public。英国人气偶像单向乐队接受采访不断爆出惊人猛料,五位正太时刻不忘展现搞怪一面! ……
of the closet to reveal he is gay。其他表达有declare oneself gay or lesbian, 或go public。“何菇”(何韵诗)勇敢 ……
一场独特的家庭音乐会。Usually you’d go to a public (公共的) place to watch a concert. But one of my good friends in Beijing hosts special concerts in his own home.My friend Elie calls the event Yichang At Home (一场 ……
rid of my books. It was comforting that I hadn’t spent much on them and I could go to public... hadn’t spent much on them and I could go to public libraries if I miss them. Despite some ……
more individual attention. But most teenagers go to public schools, where they don't have to pay fees... and act in anorderly(有秩序的) manner.Better disciplineSome British teenagers go to fee-paying, orprivate(私立 ……
not; ask the doctor repeatedly to let you go to a public hospital;prepare for huge costs in case you... whether you trust themor not; ask the doctor repeatedly to let you go to a public hospital;prepare ……
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