come clean 包含27506个检索结果
come cleanLance Armstrong, 41, USAfter spending years denying the use of *performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong finally came clean during a TV interview with Oprah ……
’t possibly have met before. 我突然明白,他们以前不可能见过面。I think the US has got to come clean on this.Ron Wyden, US Senator, on the Bush Administration's controversial interrogation program. To "come clean on sth ……
, clean means "innocent". The word is also used in the idiom "come clean", as in, "The cops urged the suspect to come clean ."21ST ……
,” Wu said. Come clean指“坦白承认,讲明真相”,一般是试图保守的秘密,与confess同义。超级偶像吴尊选择在新书发表之际坦诚自己的婚事和父亲身份,真不知是该感叹他勇气可嘉还是炒作手段高明。...Wu Chun, 33, Brunei The *heartthrob from Taiwan boy band Fahrenheit came clean about his marriage ……
your forward *momentum with your face, the result is road *rash.”Come clean的意思是“说出(隐藏很久的秘密)”。在这..., Pitt came clean about how it happened to People magazine: “This is what happens when you try ……
investigation。Shed light on something为“对事物产生新认 识”。Come clean则是“老实交代,主动坦 白”。好莱坞“硬汉”施瓦辛格在最新回忆录中自揭老底,大胆 ……
to come clean, we ask him to step down as UN Messenger for Peace for climate change, because he simply ……
for years until, finally, it drove her to come clean. A year ago, she admitted that she had doped... the thieves got in. The pain went off after three treatments.come clean tell the truth about something ……
the ticking bomb for years until, finally, it drove her to come clean. A year ago, she admitted that she had... when the thieves got in. The pain went off after three treatments.come clean tell the truth about ……
their service standards.An editorial in The Beijing News argues that the museum should come clean ……
come clean about the big stuff. Keep working hard.LIBRA 天秤座 (Sept 23 - Oct 23)This might... 24 - Nov 21)You know how to get rid of what you’re not using anymore. Your desire to “house clean ……
and has decided to come clean, after the death of Carol's father last Tuesday. Andy flew to Malaysia... in peace". Come clean意思是"和盘托出",承认自己之前一直否认的事情,如:She finally came clean about the affair. Clean在这里是"完全、彻底"的意 ……
come clean about it. Let the person know that their secret isn’t so secret anymore.We often... recommended that if you accidentally give up someone’s secret you should come clean about it. Let ……
to Iran and North Korea. Iran's decision to come clean on its nukes came out of long, patient ……
should come clean about it. Let the person know that their secret isn’t so secret anymore. ……
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