cheesy 包含56个检索结果
of "catchy" and "cheesy pop" in "Teens really love them. The music is very catchy. It's pop without falling into that category of cheesy pop?" (Another boy, P10, Feb 13) — MaggieA: "Catchy" means something ……
’ and sees Rob as the equivalent of a cheesy boy bander because of Twilight.” But an insider told the website that the duo are just “naturally competitive”.Cheesy在口语中意思是“便宜的、不入流的”。类似的说法还有shabby,表示“简陋 ……
一等奖:叶童,14岁香港拔萃男书院 The person I hate mostWHAT happens when a cheesy (庸俗的) man with sunglasses pretends (假装) to ride a horse? I’d be laughed out of town if I were seen doing these acts with ladies ……
十大蹩脚电影台词出炉,莱昂纳多不幸“夺魁”。OF all the lines in all the movies, Leonardo DiCapriotakes the cheesy biscuit....---------------------------------------Top 10 cheesy lines1. "I'm the king of the world!", Leonardo DiCaprio in "Titanic" (《泰坦 ……
is closer to £600,000."The drunken cheesy disco just doesn't cut it any more," says Hannah Bullivant... environment than the library.---------------------------------------cheesy 潇洒的equivalent 同意义的masculine ……
."I feel, without sounding cheesy, like a citizen of the world. It's a very fine line whether you're.../look cheesy: 听上去或看上去很荒谬,低劣Do you like my Halloween costume? I think it looks a little cheesy. 你喜 ……
barriers (障碍) – but it doesn’t take much for a gesture to seem cheesy (俗气的) or informal,” a spokesman ……
as dowdy.”Dowdy意为“俗气的”,同义词有cheesy和inelegant。张馨予一身东北花袄似的大长裙成功盖过电影成为戛纳电影节的讨论焦点。虽然网友批她土气,但是她却不以为然。 ……
developing in my career. It sounds cheesy (俗气的), but if you think you’re awesome you’ll be awesome ……
. It sounds cheesy (俗气的), but if you think you’re awesome you’ll be awesome.– Ellie Goulding, 28 ……
personSkr官宣 official announcementC位 center position土味情话 cheesy pick-up lines皮一下 play a trick燃烧我的卡路里 burn ……
official announcementC位 center position土味情话 cheesy pick-up lines皮一下 play a trick燃烧我的卡路里 burn my calories ……
have something a little more anonymous? (红色的裤子对我而言太俗了。有没有低调点的?)cheesy (俗气可笑): ridiculousI nearly burst out laughing when I saw him in that cheesy top hat. Where in the world did he find it? (看见 ……
现在太多的组合都唱着同样的歌,让人觉得太腻。cheesy adj.粗陋的,俗气的Man, they are lame, so cheesy, they add nothing to the scene.他们 ……
, if they exist at all, coffee houses have the style of a hotel lobby. They are awkward and cheesy like....---------------------------------------awkward: 别扭的cheesy: 低劣的disillusionment: 幻灭fume: 愤怒latte: 一种咖啡logo: 标志quirky: 特有 ……
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