central mama 包含4638个检索结果
央妈 The People’s Bank of China, which is jokingly called “central mama” by some investors, cut... with the rate cut, can support economic growth. Mama是mother的口语说法。“央行”对国家的金融活动进行管理和监督,类似一个妈妈的角色。 ……
妈妈的新工作熊妈妈为了新店开张,整天忙碌。小熊们怎么办呢?熊爸爸和小熊们能支持她吗?1. That evening Mama is very quiet. She is thinking about selling her nice quilts.2. The next day Mama Bear makes up her mind (下定决心)."I'll open up a quilt ……
Mom: You must not pull (拽) the cat’s tail (尾巴)!Son: But, Mama, I’m not pulling its tail. I’m just holding on to it. The cat is doing all the pulling. ……
又被爸爸叫住了。他要吩咐什么呢?快看故事吧。1. Papa, Mama, Brother and Sister go to the shore1 for the weekend... must clean up first, room by room!" says Mama.3. After that, Brother and Sister set out2 ……
故事简介熊妈妈为了新店开张,整天忙碌,小熊们怎么办呢?熊爸爸和小熊们能支持她吗? The next day Mama Bear makes up her mind (下定决心)."I'll open up a quilt shop."“Oh, no! You are our mama!” says Sister. “A lot of mamas have jobs,” says Mama …… 2008年05月26日
a little fat. Brother and Sister have to stop eating junk food. Mama takes away all the sugar and snack foods. “But, Mama! We aregrowingbears. We need them,” they say. “That’s right. But it’s no use. Mama ……
money. But now they care too much about it, " says Mama.2. "Come here, children," says Papa. "Are you going to spend all your money?""Yes!" Brother and Sister say together."That's not good," says Mama ……
男孩的世界故事简介熊哥哥和他的小伙伴们在树林里组织了一个"男孩俱乐部"。他们不再和熊妹妹一块儿玩了。这可把熊妹妹气坏了。熊妈妈倒是出了个好主意。1. Mama stops them."I don't think that's a good idea," says Mama. "I have an idea. Why don't you form1your own club? "2. Sister ……
谁的表演更出色?上期讲到小熊妹妹得到角色,但有些害怕,而小熊哥哥却胸有成竹。现在演出就要开始了,谁的表现更出色呢?1. That evening, Sister asks Mama for help. "You already know the story. Now you need more practice1," says Mama.2. That's what Sister does ……
then and there. "It isn't fair to your mama and me, because we have a lot of other things to take.... "But Mama is putting all our things into that box! "say Sister and Brother.Papa has an idea. “A box …… 2008年04月28日
妈妈的新工作小熊妈妈辛苦地照顾一家人的生活,还陪小熊们玩。可是没有人知道妈妈喜欢什么,有一天......1. Mama Bear is busy in taking care of Bear family. She counts for Sister jumping rope, helps brother fly his model plane.2.What does Mama like ……
新来的"保姆"1. Later that night, after supper, Mama and Papa get ready to go to the town meeting.2. Mrs.... Mama and Papa kiss the cubs goodbye and leave the house.3. Brother and Sister are very curious1 about ……
会叫妈妈的狗CAN you imagine a dog speaking? Armani is a 2-year-old dog in Berlin, Germany. He said the word "Mama" in German on a TV program. It quickly made him famous all over the world. What an amazing ……
1. Scientists used to believe that French and Norwegian people have similar ways of saying “mama.... their ancestors called their parents “mama” and “papa”C. they also speak a language called Proto-Indo-EuropeanD ……
故事简介:"天啦,这真是让人悲伤的一天!"熊哥哥难过极了。"大家都通过了考试,为什么只有我的成绩都是D呢?"他战战兢兢地回到家里,把自己的成绩单递给熊爸爸……1. Mama and Sister..., no more movies, no moreskateboardings," shouted Papa. Mama saw atearroll down from Brother's face.4 ……
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