you‘ll live to be eighty 包含21376个检索结果
Doctor: You're in good health, Mr. Johnson. You'll live to be eighty, I think.Mr. Johnson: But... I'malreadyeighty. Doctor: See, what did I tell you?你会活到80岁医 生:约翰逊先生,你的身体很健康。我想你会活到80岁。约翰逊:但是……我已经80岁了 ……
身价过亿的“不爽猫”Hi, my name is Grumpy Cat (不爽猫). Look at my face, you’ll know my name. I became famous on the Internet two years ago. Many people like my look. I live with my owner (主人) in the US. ……
身价过亿的“不爽猫”。HI, my name is Grumpy Cat (不爽猫). Look at my face, you’ll know my name. I became famous on the Internet two years ago. Many people like my look. I live with my owner (主人) in the US. ……
in France.According to Live Science, the 150 million-year-old dinosaur skeleton is 21 meters long and consists of exactly 300 bones. One reason for its high price is its remarkable completeness. Eighty ……
Farm (1945) and, especially, Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). These last books became especially influential in the West in the 1950s during the early Cold War years.In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell imagined ……
or three nights they would come back drunk and singing loudly.“I had no choice but to move out and live with Chinese girls. I found that most Chinese students here live together because of their similar ……
Dodgy record bid: Four-thousand, nine-hundred, eighty-three students, faculty and staff participated game of dodge ball attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the largest dodge ball game ……
in China.Eighty-five years later, milu deer were reintroduced to China. Today there are more than 3,000 in the world and 1,300 live in this country.Milu deer are special members of the deer family. Unlike ……
, as the law states. Eighty-eight per cent think that William sets a better example on how to live than ……
this problem.D You swear (发誓) that you will never travel with this friend any more.AnalysisA: You’ll definitely become rich, since you have plans and willingness (意愿). As long as you set a goal, you’ll ……
redesigned."Live it upChhabria himself is the father of Boney, who believes: "You have one life, live it up...THERE was a time when being "cool" meant the clothes you wore and the people you knew. Today, being ……
research company, food is the right answer.OnePoll surveyed 2,000 people around the world. Eighty-four... and backgrounds.“Food has to do with how we live and it is not just an object that we ingest (摄入 ……
80 DaysFrench writer Jules Verne’s classic adventure novel Around the World in Eighty Days depicts... and health. You can design your own route and race with other players. 21st ……
的).If eight great apes (黑猩猩) ate eighty-eight grapes, guess how many grapes each great ape ate. ……
伦敦:多元文化融合的城市。词数 374 测试见 7版 建议阅读时间 6分钟 Spend any time in London, England’s capital, and you’ll..., and you’ll hear many other languages besides English spoken. Some of these people, no doubt ……
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