xue becomes first chinese woman judge on icj 包含75955个检索结果
XUE Hanqin was sworn (宣誓) in as a judge on the Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ, 海牙国际法庭) on September 13. She is the first Chinese woman to be elected.Another female judge, Joan E ……
RUNYEAH / FOR TEENS姚妙,越野女王归来! 姚妙,越野女王归来! Yao Miao becomes the first Chinese woman to win a famous 50 km trail running race PAGE 8 Yao Miao becomes the first Chinese woman ……
of The Jewelry Purse tells of a chance encounter between a rich woman ‑ Xue Xiangling ‑ and a poor woman ‑ Zhao..., the story of The Jewelry Purse tells of a chance encounter between a rich woman ‑ Xue Xiangling ……
“拼命三郎”薛之谦开启全球巡演。Great news for Xue Zhiqian’s fans. The 33-year-old Chinese singer is going to have a world tour. The first stop will be in Dalian, Liaoning, on April 22. Tickets went on sale ……
to them. The mark becomes Xue’er’s lifelong shame (一生的耻辱). Unlike most stories.... At the same time, by showing Xue’er’s unyielding spirit (不屈的精神), it shows the Chinese people ……
its first purchase of an ancient Chinese mystery drama.The drama is set to reach audiences worldwide... on its platforms, marking its first purchase of an ancient Chinese mystery drama.Unlike traditional ……
smile. Now the 24-year-old will soon have his first try at acting. He will star in the Chinese movie Returning to the 20s. In the story, a 70-year-old woman becomes 20 again, and plays in a band ……
XUE Rui, a senior majoring in Chinese language and culture at Fudan University, has been... seeing more of her Chinese peers on the trail. "I've met many backpackers from Western countries ……
place. The Chinese pair Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo took the bronze.Le Gougne has been suspended...SALT LAKE CITY — First the medals. Then the inquest. Next the rulings and finally, possibly, an ……
. Chen Hao plays Wan Ling, a classic Chinese beauty who shuffles in and out of relationships, and Xue... and will be seen in Beijing for the first time on Wednesday."Our production might become the Chinese ……
's appreciation for his Chinese partner."Unlike those Korean women, Yuan Xue is much more independent and she... in transnational relationships.Nchileva, a Bulgarian woman, married her Chinese husband Hank one year after ……
. The Skin Gods By Richard Montanari5. Judge & Jury By James PattersonMercyBy Jodi PicoultCAMERON... of a man so in love with a woman that he'd grant all her wishes, even the one that meant taking her ……
woman, Helen, and a good-looking guy, Tom. Being overweight, Helen is the least powerful person in the play. She is never in control of situations. In the first scene in which Tom and Helen meet ……
: Draw a line on the first plus sign that turns it into a 4! The equation then becomes true: 545+5...Judge, judgeAT the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked ……
abroad. Xue represents the growing number of young Chinese who benefit and suffer from working...Xue Rui, 24, an engineer for Jiangxi Jinko Solar Co Ltd, remembered that he cried when he *sipped ……
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