trouble in the toilet 包含5698个检索结果
. A traffic jam at one of the world’s busiest canals could lead to trouble in our daily lives – for example, being short of toilet paper.A big ship recently got stuck in the Suez Canal ……
It’s bad for your health to sit on the toilet too long. TUCHONG 为什么蹲马桶不能蹲太久?为什么蹲马桶不能蹲太久?How much time do you spend sitting on the toilet? Doctors say that spending too ……
regular. So if teachers don't let students go to the toilet in class, it will cause trouble.Han Hao: I am...Please Sir, can I go to the toilet?湖北教育厅出台新规定,允许中小学生上课时间上厕所。你对此事有何看法?本期版主:辽宁省辽阳市第二高级中学指导老师:于静萍Shao ……
Key:1. snow2. toilet3. ……
to the bathroom? Doctors warn that spending too much time on the toilet can be harmful to your... too much time on the toilet can be harmful to your health. Why is this?A. Because it increases ……
your phone to the bathroom and sit on the toilet scrolling? Doctors warn that spending extended time on the toilet can be harmful. Why is this?Do you ever take your phone to the bathroom and sit ……
in the toilet, he asked, "What happened?" The younger boy said, "We are in big trouble this time. God... naughty (淘气的) and always getting into trouble. Their parents asked a clergyman (牧师) to help ……
可爱的“水果厕纸”。TOILET paper (厕纸) can be fun. This is Fruit Toilet Paper from Japan. They have cute fruit wrappers (包装纸). There are four kinds to choose: kiwi, strawberry, watermelon and orange. ……
太空厕所清洁有方。 Look, this is a space toilet. It’s very different from the ones on Earth. You don’t flush (用水冲) the toilet. The toilet sucks away (吸走) the astronaut’s waste (排泄物). In space ……
with their latest masterpiece (杰作) – a toilet theme park. The Restroom Cultural Park, as it has been named... of Sim Jae-duck, also known as Mr Toilet, who is the former mayor (前任市长) of Suwon and founder ……
with their latest masterpiece – a toilet theme park. The Restroom Cultural Park, as it has been named... of Sim Jae-duck, also known as Mr Toilet, who is the former mayor (市长) of Suwon and founder of the World ……
.For the bathroom, there is a prototype high-tech toilet fitted with a motorized seat that adjusts to each... to their family doctor with this future toilet," explained Matsushita's Fukagawa.Very soon, taking ……
the royal dogs were in trouble last week after getting into a fight with Princess Beatrice’s pets.An 11...! Australia’s toilet protestWHEN you think of people protesting on the street, what comes to your mind ……
如厕没带纸?上微博求救!WHAT will you do if you go to a toilet (厕所) and find there’s no toilet paper?You can try to find some toilet paper somewhere else. You can borrow some from other people. A Japanese man ……
Toilet flowersTRAVELLERS hearing nature's call at Stockholm's Arlanda airport in Sweden may think..., in the shape of big red flowers.Officials in trouble for not singingIN Vietnam karaoke is not just ……
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