timo and the traveling thief 包含3997个检索结果
到底谁才是这起盗窃案的罪犯?ONE day, detective Timo was solving a theft case (盗窃案). Jack and Tom were the two suspects (嫌疑人). But Timo couldn’t tell which one was the thief. Luckily, there were four witnesses (目击 ……
asked, angrily.“I am a detective and we are chasing a thief. Have you been home all night?” Timo...啤酒露出的破绽TIMO was walking home one night when a man knocked into him and ran away quickly. Timo ……
was caught (被抓住) later and the police said he was a thief.How did Timo know? 21ST Answer: All the rooms on Timo’s floor were single rooms. People would not knock on their own door. Only a thief would ……
for help. Timo gave the answer quickly. Do you know it? Answer: It’s sunny. Thief B wouldn’t go out... very strange habits. Thief A doesn’t go out on cloudy days. Thief B doesn’t go out if it’s sunny ……
Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众人称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!你能找出小偷们的集合地吗?ONE summer, three thieves were planning to meet with each other. However, they had some very strange habits. Thief ……
失踪的钻石项链。IT was a cold winter night. Timo was going to bed when he got a phone call from his neighbor, Ms Jones. She was out of breath (上气不接下气) and crying when she told Timo that her diamond (钻石 ……
ITwas a cold winter night. Timo was going to bed when he got a phone call from his neighbor, Ms Jones. She was out of breath (上气不接下气) and crying when she told Timo that her diamond (钻石) necklace ……
狡猾的窃贼把偷来的钱藏到了哪里?Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众人称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!ONE night, a thief... could not find the answer. He asked Timo for advice. Timo asked: “Did the thief steal coins ……
乔装的窃贼。Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众口称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!ON Sunday morning Timo received a call. It was from Jack, the police officer.“Timo, I need your help. Harry is a famous thief ……
was a thief.How did Timo know she was a liar?Answer: The ship was sailing in strong wind...小侦探Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众人称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!Robber on board“钻石窃贼”露出 ……
. People on the platform are complaining (抱怨) about the 40 C temperature. Detective Timo was there waiting for his friend. Suddenly, a girl behind him said: “Hey, are you traveling?” “No, I am waiting ……
. Detective Timo looked over the shop. “The thief must know the shop well. So it is likely to be the one who... shop.Detective Timo asked them the same question. “If you’re the thief, how would you steal the flute ……
it!” said Timo, raising his head from the newspaper. Do you know where?Answer: The thief stuck the stamp...Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众人称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!空房子里留下的线索。THE biggest headline ……
hid it!” said Timo, raising his head from the newspaper. Do you know where? 21STAnswer: The thief...空房子里留下的线索。Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众人称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!THE biggest headline ……
: Is the second monk lying?Monk 3: No, he is telling the truth.Timo quickly got the thief after hearing...Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众人称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!哪个和尚在说谎?THREE monks (和尚 ……
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