the hardworking gardener 包含792个检索结果
辛劳的园丁There is a hardworking gardener in my family. He is my father. He plants many flowers and fruit trees on the balcony4. The carnation (康乃馨), peony (牡丹) and rose are his favorite flowers. He looks ……
笑脸无处不在These three daisies (雏菊) look like a smiling face. They’re in Michael Lester’s back garden in the UK. Michael is a good gardener. ……
, the gardener and the wife were all present at the time of the murder. Maid: I was fixing the table. Cook: I was cooking breakfast. Gardener: I was planting tomato seeds. Wife: I was reading a book ……
, it was gone.Only two other people could have seen the bill. One was the cook; the other was the gardener.... But when they looked, the bill was not there.The gardener said he had found the bill where the cook ……
我要那个小西瓜。A LITTLE boy was looking at the large ripe (成熟的) watermelons in the gardener’s melon patch..., large, ripe fruit in the middle of the patch. “No,” said the gardener. “I get 10 dollars ……
baker面包师tailor裁缝hairdresser理发师gardener园丁shoemaker鞋匠butcher屠夫,肉商仔细观察每个单词, 看看它们有什么相同之处。 然后用相应的单词填空!A ___________ makes shoes. A ___________ sells meat. A ___________ bakes cakes. A ___________ makes ……
“植物急救室”让我们学会珍爱生命。►THERE’S a special emergency (急救) room at Mingde Huaxing Middle School, Hunan. Students take dying (濒死的) plants there. The gardener (花匠) takes care of the plants and returns ……
family’s cook, gardener and maid (女仆). They were the only ones in the house when the murder happened... was telling the truth. Next, they questioned the gardener. The gardener said he had been outside ……
. Hardworking and devoted.C. Hardworking and devoted.D. Determined and responsible.D. Determined... out of the house.C. By moving them out of the house.D. By asking a gardener for help.D. By asking ……
laundry (洗衣服) the whole morning. I didn’t go anywhere.”The gardener said: “I was planting a tree...: The gardener killed the pet. It was raining that day. So it was not necessary to water the flowers. ……
laundry (洗衣服) the whole morning. I didn’t go anywhere.”The gardener said: “I was planting a tree...: The gardener killed the pet. It was raining that day. So it was not necessary to water the flowers. ……
, better than any alternative.My father's only a part-time gardener but I can tell you his roses ……
. gardener世界真奇妙(5版)1. She was born in 1996.2. No. Millie has four sisters.3. They work at airports ……
had a key to the room. They were Sophia the maid (女仆), John the butler (管家), Sarah the gardener (园丁... into the room, turned on the light and saw Mr James with a knife in his neck.Sarah the gardener: I ran up ……
. She lives in a big house with a nurse (护士), a personal doctor (私人医生) and a gardener (园丁). They have...’s soup when the power cut out,” he says. Dino asks Mrs White’s nurse, doctor and gardener to take ……
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