strange socks: walking with fashionable feet 包含8489个检索结果
napping at 35,000 feet (10,668 metres) easier, why not try one on the ground? For light sleepers... with strange sex habits, would still shock anyone.FashionableIn fact, masks have gone all the way ……
to be fashionable while keeping your feet warm this winter, why not wear a pair of funky (时髦的) socks! By Siobhan...时尚的袜子为单调的校服增添一抹亮色。SOCKS may seem like a strange accessory(装饰物) to get excited about. But recently ……
’s yearly fashion garment (衣服) list. Keeping the feet very comfortable, they are both fashionable and functional (实用的). While many fashionable items can cost a fortune, Ugg boots are cheap, which ……
’s yearly fashion garment (衣服) list. Keeping the feet very comfortable, they are both fashionable and functional (实用的). While many fashionable items can cost a fortune, Ugg boots are cheap, which ……
Butterflies taste with their feet. ……
I want a pet! I hope I like the pet I get! Here is a shop. It says Strange Pet Shop (奇妙宠物店) on the sign. This pet has very funny feet... Here's a pet with too much hair...This one is loud and wants ……
of common English words and turning them into strange hybrid nouns, such as a ‘dressing’, which means... an adjective, as in ‘tres fashion’, meaning ‘very fashionable’.”“Made-up words like ‘footing ……
?”Girl gets strange order Mary was sitting in the classroom. She was busy chewing gum. Her feet were... out of your mouth and put your feet in!” TEENS ……
summer, they're sort of re-invented."Flip-flops solved Kathie Strader's problem. The New Yorker's feet are a little too long and too wide for most women's shoes she considers fashionable.So she chooses ……
wear fashionable, comfortable clothes. The ad also highlights the convenience of the tiny new Shuffle player. The only thing missing are the faces and feet of the models. This perhaps invites us ……
Oh my God! When did I get paint (颜料) on my feet? My master will beat me up! I must erase it. Hmm… Maybe I should touch this button, and that one… Oh, I made it! What a strange machine! I can use ……
动物的脚1 Feet for diggingLittle moles have big feet. Their feet help them dig tunnels (通道) under the ground.2 Feet for swimmingCrocodiles have strong feet. Their feet help them to swim in the water.3 ……
of Chinese culture. Foods that are normal in China, like chicken feet and duck tongue (舌头), are often very strange to foreigners. In fact, some of the biggest culture shocks are the kinds of animals ……
’ feet competition (比赛). A good pig’s foot should be big and strange (奇怪的) in shape (形状..., there is a small pigs’ feet competition (比赛). A good pig’s foot should be big and strange (奇怪 ……
celebrate their New Year with blessings using pigs’ feet杀年猪,腌腊肉!彝族人开启过年模式杀年猪,腌腊肉!彝族人开启过年模式Children get together around a big, old tree. They bring pigs’ feet and buckwheat cakes (苦荞粑粑). An old host (主持 ……
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