scientists climb into hot crater 包含16416个检索结果
from a boiling lava lake inside the crater. The scientists were dropped off inside the crater..., and the scientists had to wear gas masks (面罩) and carry oxygen.Based on the crater’s surface temperature ……
(心形的弹坑) on the dwarf planet (矮行星). The crater is icy. Now scientists say there may be water under...(小行星) might have hit Pluto. u So there was a big crater. Scientists found it many years ago. But now ……
system. But desolate, frozen Mars keeps calling scientists back. NASA launched its newest rover... landed in a crater where water just might have once pooled. Some of its instruments will look ……
erupt with little warning. Smoke and hot ash are thrown up from the crater (火山口), and red hot lava (熔岩..., many more lives would have been taken if scientists were unable to predict any of these events ……
have seen a “fireball” falling from the sky! Scientists said that it may come from the recent Geminids... were in Hangzhou on Dec 15, you may have seen a “fireball” falling from the sky! Scientists said ……
in my belly (腹部). The lab then does special experiments with the powder. This way, scientists can...山脊). I left it a year ago. You can also see the floor (底部) of the Gale Crater (盖尔环形山). I landed ……
. Scientists are hoping to find out if there's water there . A crash will help tell them.The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission, or LCROSS, traveled to the moon's surface in two ……
. How can the LLM help scientists study the moon?2. How can the LLM help scientists study the moon... different kinds of craters.D. By recording crater changes.D. By recording crater changes.3. What ……
, yet few people outside the region know of them.The view into the crater of the Masaya Volcano... and the loud screaming of parrots. Yet the car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty. This is a boon ……
crater (撞击坑) near the moon’s south pole (南极). The south pole is very important for research. Scientists think that there might be water ice there. The ice may be turned into drinking water or even give ……
Crater (希克苏鲁伯陨石坑) located in Mexico was formed by an impact 66 million years ago. It is thought that this impact may have killed the dinosaurs (恐龙).2.Barringer Crater (巴林杰陨石坑) located in the northern ……
— closer than the moon and the closest known approach by objects of this size in decades, scientists say... Research Project, whose New Mexico observatory spotted the object last week.Scientists called ……
?Scientists have come up with a “calculator (计算器)” that lets people work out what would happen if an... the place it hits to avoid being buried in the material thrown up from any crater (弹坑) that is left ……
the Clavius crater. After analysis, scientists confirmed that this wavelength of light is generated... infrared light coming from a region near the Clavius crater. After analysis, scientists confirmed ……
was, life on the cold, desert-like (荒漠般的) planet. The place where Curiosity landed is called Gale Crater, a huge hole on Mars. Scientists believe that there was once water and even life there. In order ……
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